(i didn't know this was possible.)
in other news...i am officially done with all of my "regular" classes for grad school. ever. i waltzed out of class tongiht (in a veritable sugar coma) and it didnt occur to me till i was home that i don't have any more normal classes left--next semester is just an independent study, an online class, and internship supervision. unreal.
i had my final internship evaluation tonight, with both my school site supervisor and also my professor. it was a huge blessing. they were both so encouraging and positive--i can't adequately describe how "right" this feels. i am so glad to be pursuing a profession (education in general, not just school counseling) where i can work from my strengths rather than continually striving to be someone i'm not meant to be. where work is a joy. ahhh. life is good indeed.
i saw a new take on christmas attire today. a certain former classmate who shall remain nameless, came into my office in camo slippers (that's just a sidenote. not the main event) and...a cut-off christmas sweatshirt that said (in snowflake-and-palm tree-infused lettering) "christmas in california."
now. i think that these ugly christmas sweater parties, quite the rage these days, are overrated and overdone. however. i'm going to one on saturday, and i want to get my hands on that christmas sweatshirt and wear it this weekend. it will be a HIT. the crowd will ERUPT.
i also want to tell you all that i have a friend whose handwriting is so neat that it could be mistaken for a font. i wish i had a font.
this particular friend is gracious enough to open up her home every week for our bible study. and we were talking about philippians 4 last night. which, ironically happens to be about peace. seems like a coincidence since it's practially christmas, the season of peace (and, according to kate mcallister in home alone, also the season of perpetual hope...and i'll give you a dollar is if you can tell me where she says that in the movie. seriously. i will actually give you a dollar. because i like home alone that much...)
ANYWAY. peace: i love that peace is something that we tend to talk about in terms of stillness: peace. tranquility. calm.
and these things are true. peace brings a stillness to the soul. but peace is more about protection, evoking a sense of fortification and refuge. (God guards our hearts and minds...)
so...peace is about stillness, (which i get, i understand, because i'm so often making myself busy. literally inviting chaos into my life. as if my worth depended on it, as if it makes me important. lovely, right?), but it's also about SAFETY. (which i have heretofore failed to grasp because i've never really experienced the opposite: danger. my life has been very safe. and though i wouldn't trade it for anything, neither would i pretend to understand what it's like to live in fear). so. where does this leave me? honestly, in the same place. literally. im not in the "action" phase of learning. i'm not rushing out to tend to the poor and oppressed and endangered in our city. in fact, i am currently sitting, safely, warmly and oh-so-full (of christmas cookies, blechhhh! ) on my comfortable bed in my cozy house. i simply have a new way of looking at yet another term (like love) that i throw around without fully grasping the weight of the ideas that my words represent.
and on that note...home alone 2 is on. yay!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
an early gift to you. my friends.
first things first. by now, you should all know that i am an aunt to a precious baby girl named mia. whom i still haven't gotten to hold, but i will make up for all that time in a week and a half. so yay for jeff and mary's new little family. this kid was rather hesitant to enter this world, perhaps because she had caught wind of the fact that she'd be swaddled in a uniform and placed in a room full of her daddy's 2580-item cd collection. hard to say exactly why mary was in labor for a day and a half, but the point of the story is that mia's HERE!
it is a gorgeous saturday morning, i was awake at a completely unreasonable hour because the SUN woke me up, and all i have ahead of me today is a list of 4 or 5 things that i'm totally looking forward to. and beyond that, i'm one exam, one class and one half internship day away from being responsibility-free until 1/12/09. i love grad school. however, lest you think this is all unfair what with me not having to work, let me remind you of the thousands of dollars in debt with which i will merge these two years. that's called crossing that bridge when i come to it. if nothing else, do know what being in grad school has taught me? to wait actively. i'm i this holding period, with a new horizon in front of me, where i could truly do anything or go anywhere (though i really WANT to stay in indianapolis) and there are insane amounts of things--big things-- that i want to do now while i have the time, but i don't have the money. my life doesn't look overly exciting, and it is about as far as you can get from being glamorous, but i have done so much in the past few years that i never would have done if i had had my whole life figured out or if i had been "settled" at the ripe old age of 25. and most of these things are miniscule when compared to real world-changers. they're more about taking advantage of local things, spending some time in solitude, investing in those who are nearby and more often than not, new friends.
i have this overwhelming sense that 2010 is going to be a big year. and to be honest, it's not an overly optimistic feeling. most likely there will be hard times. as in, more hard times than good. NOW. i could be thinking in these terms because i know how hard it is to live in the space of almost and not yet...to be done with school yet jobless, broke yet hell-bent on seeing lots of the country and some of the world. kind of spontaneous and mostly responsible. so i look down my little 2010 viewfinder, and if all things go as they often do, it will be a tough year. i'm not the world's best adjuster to change, especially when there are things like debt hanging over my head (although, due to the tremendous graciousness of my parents, i've never owed anyone except them one single dime)...but my excitement (and fears) about this year go farther than just anticipation about my post-grad school plans. the reason is, that if i have learned one thing about God in 2009, it is just how big He is. i know. i should have grasped this a little earlier. i was talking to someone here who has become a friend, and whose depth of wisdom really amazes me, especially since she's not much older than me. anyway, i was telling her about this newfound inkling of God's greatness, and i ended a long schpiel with the statement
"yeah, so i don't know what all this means."
and she said "i wonder if God's giving you a sense of how big he is because He knows that pretty soon down the path, you're going to need it."
and i said, "Hm."
and i kind of think she's right. i won't even venture a guess as to WHAT i'll need it for, and i'm not trying to be one of those crazies who thinks she's a fortune teller. or who thinks her CATS are fortune tellers. but i'm just being honest (vague too, oh yes!) but my gut prediction about 2010 is that it will be big. trying. and very full.
and on THAT note, i have already been working on my resolutions for 2010. and let me tell you, they're good. i almost can't wait to tell you about them, but i have to have a long discussion with my mom about them first. she gets first peek because she's my resolutions accountability partner. we actually make resolutions every time we see each other and then go out for coffee the next time, and discuss our progress or lack thereof. rinse and repeat.
for 2010 i have none of the stuff you'd expect like "lose 10 lbs." not to say that it doesn't need to be done, but let's face it, that's been the primo resolution for about the past 8 years, and, well, you've seen me. and i ran a MARATHON this year for goodness' sake. if that doesn't do it, i don't know what will. (perhaps quitting my poptarts habit, but that won't happen. if this is what i'm gonna look like because i eat 2 brownsugar and cinnamon poptarts each day, then shoot. it's worth it.)
this year i'm making resolutions that, in order to accomplish i will either be stretching myself (emotionally or mentally), investing in others, or doing something for the very first time. plus, these are things that i will look forward to doing and they'll have lasting effects. aaaah, i like new years resolutions. (i would say "love" but i think it's overused.) so yes, i like them. like like like.
one more thing, before i go off to fun activity of thy day #1: did i tell you my other new favorite word? last time, it was monkey, because the word monkey is as fun as the actually animal monkey. my other new favorite word is pumpkin. it fills up you mouth when you say it. say it with me now: pumpkin.
see what i mean? pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin.
and in case i've not shared it with you, and maybe i have... the prayer below has been one of the most meaningful pieces i've read and meditated on all year. hope you like it too :)
Lord, high and holy, meek and lowly, Thou hast brought me to the valley of vision, where I live in the depths but see Thee in the heights; hemmed in by mountains of sin I behold Thy glory. Let me learn by paradox that the way down is the way up, that to be low is to be high, that the broken heart is the healed heart, that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit, that the repenting soul is the victorious soul, that to have nothing is to possess all, that to bear the cross is to wear the crown, that to give is to receive, that the valley is the place of vision. Lord, in the daytime stars can be seen from deepest wells, and the deeper the wells the brighter Thy stars shine; let me find Thy light in my darkness, Thy life in my death, Thy joy in my sorrow, Thy grace in my sin, Thy riches in my poverty, Thy glory in my valley.
it is a gorgeous saturday morning, i was awake at a completely unreasonable hour because the SUN woke me up, and all i have ahead of me today is a list of 4 or 5 things that i'm totally looking forward to. and beyond that, i'm one exam, one class and one half internship day away from being responsibility-free until 1/12/09. i love grad school. however, lest you think this is all unfair what with me not having to work, let me remind you of the thousands of dollars in debt with which i will merge these two years. that's called crossing that bridge when i come to it. if nothing else, do know what being in grad school has taught me? to wait actively. i'm i this holding period, with a new horizon in front of me, where i could truly do anything or go anywhere (though i really WANT to stay in indianapolis) and there are insane amounts of things--big things-- that i want to do now while i have the time, but i don't have the money. my life doesn't look overly exciting, and it is about as far as you can get from being glamorous, but i have done so much in the past few years that i never would have done if i had had my whole life figured out or if i had been "settled" at the ripe old age of 25. and most of these things are miniscule when compared to real world-changers. they're more about taking advantage of local things, spending some time in solitude, investing in those who are nearby and more often than not, new friends.
i have this overwhelming sense that 2010 is going to be a big year. and to be honest, it's not an overly optimistic feeling. most likely there will be hard times. as in, more hard times than good. NOW. i could be thinking in these terms because i know how hard it is to live in the space of almost and not yet...to be done with school yet jobless, broke yet hell-bent on seeing lots of the country and some of the world. kind of spontaneous and mostly responsible. so i look down my little 2010 viewfinder, and if all things go as they often do, it will be a tough year. i'm not the world's best adjuster to change, especially when there are things like debt hanging over my head (although, due to the tremendous graciousness of my parents, i've never owed anyone except them one single dime)...but my excitement (and fears) about this year go farther than just anticipation about my post-grad school plans. the reason is, that if i have learned one thing about God in 2009, it is just how big He is. i know. i should have grasped this a little earlier. i was talking to someone here who has become a friend, and whose depth of wisdom really amazes me, especially since she's not much older than me. anyway, i was telling her about this newfound inkling of God's greatness, and i ended a long schpiel with the statement
"yeah, so i don't know what all this means."
and she said "i wonder if God's giving you a sense of how big he is because He knows that pretty soon down the path, you're going to need it."
and i said, "Hm."
and i kind of think she's right. i won't even venture a guess as to WHAT i'll need it for, and i'm not trying to be one of those crazies who thinks she's a fortune teller. or who thinks her CATS are fortune tellers. but i'm just being honest (vague too, oh yes!) but my gut prediction about 2010 is that it will be big. trying. and very full.
and on THAT note, i have already been working on my resolutions for 2010. and let me tell you, they're good. i almost can't wait to tell you about them, but i have to have a long discussion with my mom about them first. she gets first peek because she's my resolutions accountability partner. we actually make resolutions every time we see each other and then go out for coffee the next time, and discuss our progress or lack thereof. rinse and repeat.
for 2010 i have none of the stuff you'd expect like "lose 10 lbs." not to say that it doesn't need to be done, but let's face it, that's been the primo resolution for about the past 8 years, and, well, you've seen me. and i ran a MARATHON this year for goodness' sake. if that doesn't do it, i don't know what will. (perhaps quitting my poptarts habit, but that won't happen. if this is what i'm gonna look like because i eat 2 brownsugar and cinnamon poptarts each day, then shoot. it's worth it.)
this year i'm making resolutions that, in order to accomplish i will either be stretching myself (emotionally or mentally), investing in others, or doing something for the very first time. plus, these are things that i will look forward to doing and they'll have lasting effects. aaaah, i like new years resolutions. (i would say "love" but i think it's overused.) so yes, i like them. like like like.
one more thing, before i go off to fun activity of thy day #1: did i tell you my other new favorite word? last time, it was monkey, because the word monkey is as fun as the actually animal monkey. my other new favorite word is pumpkin. it fills up you mouth when you say it. say it with me now: pumpkin.
see what i mean? pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin.
and in case i've not shared it with you, and maybe i have... the prayer below has been one of the most meaningful pieces i've read and meditated on all year. hope you like it too :)
Lord, high and holy, meek and lowly, Thou hast brought me to the valley of vision, where I live in the depths but see Thee in the heights; hemmed in by mountains of sin I behold Thy glory. Let me learn by paradox that the way down is the way up, that to be low is to be high, that the broken heart is the healed heart, that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit, that the repenting soul is the victorious soul, that to have nothing is to possess all, that to bear the cross is to wear the crown, that to give is to receive, that the valley is the place of vision. Lord, in the daytime stars can be seen from deepest wells, and the deeper the wells the brighter Thy stars shine; let me find Thy light in my darkness, Thy life in my death, Thy joy in my sorrow, Thy grace in my sin, Thy riches in my poverty, Thy glory in my valley.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
seasons greetings to you and yours
i thought i should wish you all a happy thanksgiving (belatedly) and a merry christmas (pre-emptively) all at once while i'm at it. i love love love this time of year and may very well be AWOL in the coming days. but i totally owe my brother a post on here, especially since he's given me some good new material. to be discussed later.
let me tell you what i'm doing right now...
i am sitting at home wrapped up in warm pajamas, watching love actually, drinking coffee and eating a peanut butter and chocolate english muffin. the furnace is on (which is something to say, given its track record the past few days). i just got home from a killer self-imposed workout, and i actually took a shower. and with my new haircut i don't even have to do anything to it. it dries and is instantaeously good to go. i washed my hair with adult formula shampoo and used cream rinse for that just-washed shine. i can't seem to find my toothbrush, so i'll pick one up when i go out today. other than that i'm in great shape.
i had a fantastic time at home for thanksgiving this weekend. but i must say, it is good to be back indeed. what were the highlights you ask? well.
1. pedicure with my mom. my toes look like nminiature christmas ornaments.
2. thanksgiving day run with my dad in downtown st. joe. such bittersweet memories to be back along the beach
3. caffe tosi's not once but twice. with two of my favorite people. mom yesterday, beth today. eggs espresso both times. heck. yes.
4. panera bread with another wonderful friend
5. playing boggle with my parents and grandpa, despite getting creamed by my mom twice. did you know that ricer is a real live word? oh yes. it is.
6. having absolutely no responsibilities. and listening to the oak ridge boys christmas cd. which reminds me of my childhood. (back when i had absolutely no responsibilities)
7. running into lots of old friends while shopping at the orchards mall.
8. listening to sweet music on the drive back to indianapolis
ok, those were the highlights. which don't really do justice to the nice relaxing time i had away at home.
i also got to talk to my brother tonight and he assured me that i will be getting an awesome present from him this christmas. apparently, it's made for tv. i can't wait. jeff and i exchange joke gifts every year. they are often irreverent, never classy. always rooted in junior high humor. so today on the phone with jeff, he said [AND I QUOTE] "if i had to buy a snuggie all over again, i'd just get an oversized robe somewhere like fashion bug plus"
and really the rest of the conversation is irrelevant, as that phrase alone is worthy of mention. it gives you insight into a few things about jeff.
a.) he bought a snuggie. and liked it. but,
b.) he apparently dedicates a noteworthy amount of mental energy to considering how he could improve upon his snuggie-buying experience.
c.) he knows of and refers to fashion bug plus. really? yes, really.
in other news, i graduate in approximately 5 months. holy. crap. seriously, how did time fly like this? and more importantly, will i have a job in a year?
lastly tonight, here's my PSA for the holiday season: i'll be having a lakeshore high school friends hang out time sometime over chirstmas break. most likely a day or 2 after christmas. so think about that as you make your returning-home plans.
let me tell you what i'm doing right now...
i am sitting at home wrapped up in warm pajamas, watching love actually, drinking coffee and eating a peanut butter and chocolate english muffin. the furnace is on (which is something to say, given its track record the past few days). i just got home from a killer self-imposed workout, and i actually took a shower. and with my new haircut i don't even have to do anything to it. it dries and is instantaeously good to go. i washed my hair with adult formula shampoo and used cream rinse for that just-washed shine. i can't seem to find my toothbrush, so i'll pick one up when i go out today. other than that i'm in great shape.
i had a fantastic time at home for thanksgiving this weekend. but i must say, it is good to be back indeed. what were the highlights you ask? well.
1. pedicure with my mom. my toes look like nminiature christmas ornaments.
2. thanksgiving day run with my dad in downtown st. joe. such bittersweet memories to be back along the beach
3. caffe tosi's not once but twice. with two of my favorite people. mom yesterday, beth today. eggs espresso both times. heck. yes.
4. panera bread with another wonderful friend
5. playing boggle with my parents and grandpa, despite getting creamed by my mom twice. did you know that ricer is a real live word? oh yes. it is.
6. having absolutely no responsibilities. and listening to the oak ridge boys christmas cd. which reminds me of my childhood. (back when i had absolutely no responsibilities)
7. running into lots of old friends while shopping at the orchards mall.
8. listening to sweet music on the drive back to indianapolis
ok, those were the highlights. which don't really do justice to the nice relaxing time i had away at home.
i also got to talk to my brother tonight and he assured me that i will be getting an awesome present from him this christmas. apparently, it's made for tv. i can't wait. jeff and i exchange joke gifts every year. they are often irreverent, never classy. always rooted in junior high humor. so today on the phone with jeff, he said [AND I QUOTE] "if i had to buy a snuggie all over again, i'd just get an oversized robe somewhere like fashion bug plus"
and really the rest of the conversation is irrelevant, as that phrase alone is worthy of mention. it gives you insight into a few things about jeff.
a.) he bought a snuggie. and liked it. but,
b.) he apparently dedicates a noteworthy amount of mental energy to considering how he could improve upon his snuggie-buying experience.
c.) he knows of and refers to fashion bug plus. really? yes, really.
in other news, i graduate in approximately 5 months. holy. crap. seriously, how did time fly like this? and more importantly, will i have a job in a year?
lastly tonight, here's my PSA for the holiday season: i'll be having a lakeshore high school friends hang out time sometime over chirstmas break. most likely a day or 2 after christmas. so think about that as you make your returning-home plans.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
kids are like little people, only smaller
wow. sunday night already. did this weekend go by way fast to anyone else?
i went home this weekend for our pre-thanksgiving thanksgiving famiyl gathering and mini baby shower for jeff and mary. i was not aware that the father-to-be did all the present-opening. is that the way it's supposed to be? jeff and i also rocked some christmas carols in piano-bass guitar duets. i do not live up to his high musical standards and refines taste, btu i tried, and by the end of our jam session, he said that i was getting better. so that's progress. apparently, the problem with my piano playing is that i play what's written on the page....
ooooh, jeff and i also engaged in a session of yoga with rodney yee. it was preeettty intense. i'm still sore but managed to drag my sorry self to the gym tonight regardless. jeff spared me from his spandex yoga pants.
i don't think any of my old students read this, mostly because they don't have access to the url. but i want to declare publicly to all 5 of you that grace christian girls are volleyball district champions. which is a big deal in its own right, but even more a big deal when you consider that gcs is by far the smallest school in the area. yay! i had the opportunity to go and cheer them on last night, and also i got to see lots of old students and parents. it is still really sad for me to go back. i have such wonderful memories...if i could transplant it all to indianapolis, and if they'd pay me about twice what i was making as a science teacher, i would. and then i think life would pretty much be perfect.
speaking of life being perfect, it is pretty darn good. i've said on here before that i don't know how i got so lucky as to have the life that i do. it's completely unfair that i get it so good (and if you're reading this, you are a part of what is good to me). i cannot imagine anything better. i have found myself completely blown away lately at how much i have. and what responsibility comes wiht those blessings. dont. mess. up.
but i do mess up! that's the other thing that is so crazy. i totally don't have it all together. i am a complete mess.
life is truly beautiful. and a total disaster. love love love.
so what's the news at the templeton house? glad you asked.
well. first. my dad is going back to grad school for his second master's degree. he has an mba already, but is now going to do a master's of ministry & theological studies. i think he's looking to a past-retirement kind of career, maybe doing something in ministry or even within the church. i am so proud of him for doing this.
i hung out with my mom most of friday daytime, and we drank lots of coffee, ate good food, and raised a general ruckus all over st. joe. we did not, however, get pedicures, so i wouldn't call it a "perfect" day. but...very good indeed.
i am now back in indy (one speeding ticket later....boo!) and gearing up for another week. i only have 5 or so weeks left of my internship, and i know i need to start preparing to leave there. it will be hard. some of these kids have become little bright spots in my week.
i went home this weekend for our pre-thanksgiving thanksgiving famiyl gathering and mini baby shower for jeff and mary. i was not aware that the father-to-be did all the present-opening. is that the way it's supposed to be? jeff and i also rocked some christmas carols in piano-bass guitar duets. i do not live up to his high musical standards and refines taste, btu i tried, and by the end of our jam session, he said that i was getting better. so that's progress. apparently, the problem with my piano playing is that i play what's written on the page....
ooooh, jeff and i also engaged in a session of yoga with rodney yee. it was preeettty intense. i'm still sore but managed to drag my sorry self to the gym tonight regardless. jeff spared me from his spandex yoga pants.
i don't think any of my old students read this, mostly because they don't have access to the url. but i want to declare publicly to all 5 of you that grace christian girls are volleyball district champions. which is a big deal in its own right, but even more a big deal when you consider that gcs is by far the smallest school in the area. yay! i had the opportunity to go and cheer them on last night, and also i got to see lots of old students and parents. it is still really sad for me to go back. i have such wonderful memories...if i could transplant it all to indianapolis, and if they'd pay me about twice what i was making as a science teacher, i would. and then i think life would pretty much be perfect.
speaking of life being perfect, it is pretty darn good. i've said on here before that i don't know how i got so lucky as to have the life that i do. it's completely unfair that i get it so good (and if you're reading this, you are a part of what is good to me). i cannot imagine anything better. i have found myself completely blown away lately at how much i have. and what responsibility comes wiht those blessings. dont. mess. up.
but i do mess up! that's the other thing that is so crazy. i totally don't have it all together. i am a complete mess.
life is truly beautiful. and a total disaster. love love love.
so what's the news at the templeton house? glad you asked.
well. first. my dad is going back to grad school for his second master's degree. he has an mba already, but is now going to do a master's of ministry & theological studies. i think he's looking to a past-retirement kind of career, maybe doing something in ministry or even within the church. i am so proud of him for doing this.
i hung out with my mom most of friday daytime, and we drank lots of coffee, ate good food, and raised a general ruckus all over st. joe. we did not, however, get pedicures, so i wouldn't call it a "perfect" day. but...very good indeed.
i am now back in indy (one speeding ticket later....boo!) and gearing up for another week. i only have 5 or so weeks left of my internship, and i know i need to start preparing to leave there. it will be hard. some of these kids have become little bright spots in my week.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
monkeybread and only the happiest tradition since 2001
it seems like lots of people have favorite words. or, if you're my roommate formerly known as abby bandstra, least-favorite words. my favorite word used to be "bubble." and now it's "monkey." monkeymonkeymonkey. the word itself is as cute and playful as the real thing. and monkeybread is quite possibly the most wonderful culinary creation known to mankind. my roommate made it tonight, and i was the happy recipient of leftovers. so i'm sitting here, quite sad that it's all gone. i'm listening to my "melancholy" playlist for the occasion. it's THAT bad, guys.
i've had a kind of crazy fall so far. it's been hard, but good. more on that sometime later on. i'll share the highlights so far...
ccn09=success. (if you have managed to know me this long, and not know what ccn is, consider your wrist slapped and listen carefully and makr your 2010 calendar for 10/25... ccn is christmas craft night,and it has happened every october 25 since 2001 during my freshman year at calvin college, sing we all to thee.)
even though my calvin friends did not coordinate satellite christmas craft night events, the MAIN event was a fun filled apron-making extravaganza. my roommate's birthday HAPPENS to fall on october 25. now, you may ask, "how could she possibly be so lucky as to have been born exactly two months before christmas, and exactly 22 years before the inaugural ccn?" and to that i answer, "I know, right?!" she is one of the chosen few. and secondarily, you may ask, "and how in the world did this perfect roommate match of ccn-birthday-girl and ccn-co-founder ever come to be?" and to THAT i say, "i have no idea, but it was surely meant to be," kim happens to be pretty awesome in other areas of her life as well, if you can believe that.
my new niece or nephew will be born in a matter of weeks. so that's kind of a big deal. jeff templeton, weird al fan club president hopeful, and writer of such hits as " don't let me drown," "briefs or boxas," and "yo, get on the dancefloor," is about to embark on the journey of fatherhood. and if you don't know this already, he's going to be PRETTY awesome at it.
you know, family has always been important to my brother.
exhibit A: "rusty," "flipper," and "flipper junior."
i have had a great time with friends, old and new over the past month: marathon, swing dancing, pumpkin carving, indianapolis art museum, running along the canal, day of healing conference (huge day of personal growth), walking along the canal, shopping, and tomorrow night, i'm going to the david crowder band concert here in indy.
life is good my friends, life is good. but now i must do laundry and work on a project for work. wahoo!
i've had a kind of crazy fall so far. it's been hard, but good. more on that sometime later on. i'll share the highlights so far...
ccn09=success. (if you have managed to know me this long, and not know what ccn is, consider your wrist slapped and listen carefully and makr your 2010 calendar for 10/25... ccn is christmas craft night,and it has happened every october 25 since 2001 during my freshman year at calvin college, sing we all to thee.)
even though my calvin friends did not coordinate satellite christmas craft night events, the MAIN event was a fun filled apron-making extravaganza. my roommate's birthday HAPPENS to fall on october 25. now, you may ask, "how could she possibly be so lucky as to have been born exactly two months before christmas, and exactly 22 years before the inaugural ccn?" and to that i answer, "I know, right?!" she is one of the chosen few. and secondarily, you may ask, "and how in the world did this perfect roommate match of ccn-birthday-girl and ccn-co-founder ever come to be?" and to THAT i say, "i have no idea, but it was surely meant to be," kim happens to be pretty awesome in other areas of her life as well, if you can believe that.
my new niece or nephew will be born in a matter of weeks. so that's kind of a big deal. jeff templeton, weird al fan club president hopeful, and writer of such hits as " don't let me drown," "briefs or boxas," and "yo, get on the dancefloor," is about to embark on the journey of fatherhood. and if you don't know this already, he's going to be PRETTY awesome at it.
you know, family has always been important to my brother.
exhibit A: "rusty," "flipper," and "flipper junior."
i have had a great time with friends, old and new over the past month: marathon, swing dancing, pumpkin carving, indianapolis art museum, running along the canal, day of healing conference (huge day of personal growth), walking along the canal, shopping, and tomorrow night, i'm going to the david crowder band concert here in indy.
life is good my friends, life is good. but now i must do laundry and work on a project for work. wahoo!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
i've learned enough in my life to know that it doesn't really pay to plan out the rest of your life. that being said, there are a handful of things that i want to do before i die. and running 26.2 miles with 45,000 others was one of them. CHECK.
i've spent the past few months very much devoted to the training program. i didn't go overboard, but i did spend hours and hours a week running longish distances. it was definitely rewarding to even complete the training process, but nothing compared to the actual race, where i ran a whole 6.2 miles longer than i ever had in my life.
here are the facts:
more importantly, i went with 3 other girls, and we all finished! my stated goal was 5 hours, my REAL goal (that i didn't dare tell many others) was 4:45, and my "best case possible scenario" was anything under 4:40. i ran the race in 4:44, so i was under my goal and not too far from what i thought was physically possible for me in the best of circustances. and it wasn't exactly best circumstances: it was in the 30's all day, and at mile 18 or so my knee started to hurt unlike it ever has before. given all that, i was happy to finish under 4:45 and 22,150th place of 45,000. (BEing in the top 50% is always my goal in any race)
at any rate, i am glad to have it behind me, and have truly been overwhlemed at how encouraging my friends and family members have been. many have called or written to say good luck or congratulations and that means so much to me.
in other news, while in chicago i also visited (for the first time) the bean in millenium park. i've been to the city more times than i can count, and had never been. so, we'll check that one off the list as well. it was a preeeetty big deal.
i've spent the past few months very much devoted to the training program. i didn't go overboard, but i did spend hours and hours a week running longish distances. it was definitely rewarding to even complete the training process, but nothing compared to the actual race, where i ran a whole 6.2 miles longer than i ever had in my life.
here are the facts:
more importantly, i went with 3 other girls, and we all finished! my stated goal was 5 hours, my REAL goal (that i didn't dare tell many others) was 4:45, and my "best case possible scenario" was anything under 4:40. i ran the race in 4:44, so i was under my goal and not too far from what i thought was physically possible for me in the best of circustances. and it wasn't exactly best circumstances: it was in the 30's all day, and at mile 18 or so my knee started to hurt unlike it ever has before. given all that, i was happy to finish under 4:45 and 22,150th place of 45,000. (BEing in the top 50% is always my goal in any race)
at any rate, i am glad to have it behind me, and have truly been overwhlemed at how encouraging my friends and family members have been. many have called or written to say good luck or congratulations and that means so much to me.
in other news, while in chicago i also visited (for the first time) the bean in millenium park. i've been to the city more times than i can count, and had never been. so, we'll check that one off the list as well. it was a preeeetty big deal.
Monday, September 28, 2009
before the coffee brews.
hi jeff. hey allison.
my coffee maker, the 8-dollar walmart version i received as a gift from two of my most precious gcs 8th graders, takes its sweet time in preparing my miracle morning beverage. thus, here you have me in semi-coma mode, intent on fulfilling my promise to my friend and my brother to stop this nonsense of having a blog that i never update. what can i say? i'm a trooper and a promisekeeper. (and a truthteller, but that's neither here nor there)
soooo. what is new in everyone's respective corners of the world? or midwest as the case may be? i am up especially early today. for no good reason except that lately i have been waking up before 6am, bright eyed, bushy-tailed, and totally ready for a new day. a new week. i'm actually excited it's monday. is that funny? life is just that good. seriously. the only thing that could make this morning better is nothing. except maybe a sunrise and an orange scone. but i'll take my quiet kitchen, homemade folgers, and peanut butter toast with cherry jam as a close second.
so i went back home this weekend for a tour de southwest michigan with my roommates. we did all my favorite local places--caffe tosi, silver beach pizza, two wineries, calderwood farms...it was the perfect way to spend the beginning of fall. whenever i go back, i miss living there, but i am also beyond satisfied with indianapolis. i don't think i could have chosen a better place to spend a piece of my life. people keep asking where i'll look for jobs next year. and for many many reasons, the answer is right here in indy. in fact, i would not be opposed to working for ips--the indianapolis public school system that happens to be in total disarray. you guys, i love it here.
i was teaching a piano lesson last week to a little boy named eivin and i was reading him the abbreviated and modified-for- gentleness-and-compassion riot act for not practicing. ever. as in, he doesn't open his piano books in the 167-odd hours between piano lessons and his parents have spent thousands on piano lesson for him and his brother in the past few months alone. so anyway, he stops me in the middle of my tirade and said, "you know, i'm just not sure i can fit piano practicing into my busy schedule...i'm in kindergarten now, i've got to practice my video games, and i'm learning how to read." this kid is in kindergarten. and apparently has quite the social calendar as well...he's just not sure he can find 40-60 minutes a week to practice such songs as "where did you get that hat?," "the zoo", and "tapdancing tadpoles." ah, kids.
in other news, my bro and s.i.l. jeff and mary and getting ever closer to being parents. and are being very closed-mouthed about baby names. i've already told them they are welcome to name their children after me. but i suspect the real reason they don't talk about the possibilities is that they know they'll get subverted and ill-hid opinions from family members about their choices. or at least telling facial expressions (content smile-nods or disapporving eyebrow raises). anyway, it's all very exciting, and regardless of what scandanavian name they choose, i'm sure this kidlin will be adorable and of course very much loved. and dressed like daddy in dark wash jeans and button-up white dress shirt (jeff has a self-imposed uniform.)
in just 2 short weeks, the chicago marathon will be over. the training is getting kind of old. it's not that i'm running any mroe days than normal, just that i have to go for hours at a time some days that i run. when all is said and done, i'm running or spending time in running-related activities (namely showering because i've stopped "air drying" as i did in my college days) for 10-12 hours a week. but in two weeks i will officially cross running a marathon off my "die a happy girl" list and move on to my next task: marrying into money and stopping the hunger in somalia without using violence (nod to john murphy).
and with that, it;s 7:01 and i have coffee to drink, journaling to do, the bible to read, and a whole new day ahead of me. yay. happy monday everyone :)
my coffee maker, the 8-dollar walmart version i received as a gift from two of my most precious gcs 8th graders, takes its sweet time in preparing my miracle morning beverage. thus, here you have me in semi-coma mode, intent on fulfilling my promise to my friend and my brother to stop this nonsense of having a blog that i never update. what can i say? i'm a trooper and a promisekeeper. (and a truthteller, but that's neither here nor there)
soooo. what is new in everyone's respective corners of the world? or midwest as the case may be? i am up especially early today. for no good reason except that lately i have been waking up before 6am, bright eyed, bushy-tailed, and totally ready for a new day. a new week. i'm actually excited it's monday. is that funny? life is just that good. seriously. the only thing that could make this morning better is nothing. except maybe a sunrise and an orange scone. but i'll take my quiet kitchen, homemade folgers, and peanut butter toast with cherry jam as a close second.
so i went back home this weekend for a tour de southwest michigan with my roommates. we did all my favorite local places--caffe tosi, silver beach pizza, two wineries, calderwood farms...it was the perfect way to spend the beginning of fall. whenever i go back, i miss living there, but i am also beyond satisfied with indianapolis. i don't think i could have chosen a better place to spend a piece of my life. people keep asking where i'll look for jobs next year. and for many many reasons, the answer is right here in indy. in fact, i would not be opposed to working for ips--the indianapolis public school system that happens to be in total disarray. you guys, i love it here.
i was teaching a piano lesson last week to a little boy named eivin and i was reading him the abbreviated and modified-for- gentleness-and-compassion riot act for not practicing. ever. as in, he doesn't open his piano books in the 167-odd hours between piano lessons and his parents have spent thousands on piano lesson for him and his brother in the past few months alone. so anyway, he stops me in the middle of my tirade and said, "you know, i'm just not sure i can fit piano practicing into my busy schedule...i'm in kindergarten now, i've got to practice my video games, and i'm learning how to read." this kid is in kindergarten. and apparently has quite the social calendar as well...he's just not sure he can find 40-60 minutes a week to practice such songs as "where did you get that hat?," "the zoo", and "tapdancing tadpoles." ah, kids.
in other news, my bro and s.i.l. jeff and mary and getting ever closer to being parents. and are being very closed-mouthed about baby names. i've already told them they are welcome to name their children after me. but i suspect the real reason they don't talk about the possibilities is that they know they'll get subverted and ill-hid opinions from family members about their choices. or at least telling facial expressions (content smile-nods or disapporving eyebrow raises). anyway, it's all very exciting, and regardless of what scandanavian name they choose, i'm sure this kidlin will be adorable and of course very much loved. and dressed like daddy in dark wash jeans and button-up white dress shirt (jeff has a self-imposed uniform.)
in just 2 short weeks, the chicago marathon will be over. the training is getting kind of old. it's not that i'm running any mroe days than normal, just that i have to go for hours at a time some days that i run. when all is said and done, i'm running or spending time in running-related activities (namely showering because i've stopped "air drying" as i did in my college days) for 10-12 hours a week. but in two weeks i will officially cross running a marathon off my "die a happy girl" list and move on to my next task: marrying into money and stopping the hunger in somalia without using violence (nod to john murphy).
and with that, it;s 7:01 and i have coffee to drink, journaling to do, the bible to read, and a whole new day ahead of me. yay. happy monday everyone :)
Monday, August 17, 2009
feels like home.
know how i get obsessive about a song and listen to it until i absolutely can't stand it anymore? [e.g. travelin soldier....which btw i've not heard in YEARS, if you can believe that]...well this summer i've had a whole playlist that i can't get enough of. i can't decide if this is progress or regression. and yet. i ask you, how did i make it this long without having discovered nickel creek? i don't know either.
my move from my apartment went stellar. a huge THANK YOU to kathy q for bringing her parents' truck down from lafayette and helping me move one HOT wednesday evening. we totally girl-powered it and should probably consider starting our own moving company if our careers in education are a bust. it's going to be called two girls, a truck, and an suv. i still have to vacuum out the old place and turn in the keys today. but i'm mostly settled in my new house and i LOVE it. love the neighborhood as well. i have already identified several houses that would be perfectly acceptable abodes once i graduate and begin making tons of money.
ok, that last part was a joke. i know that you THOUGHT i'd be really rich as a school counselor. but alas, probably not. unless i marry well. WHICH btw, is still part of the master plan. anyway, the moral of the story is that my new neighborhood is so cool. (i can't think of a better adjective right now, but know that "cool" doesn't do it justice)...lots of old homes, corner coffeeshops, sidewalks, ahhh. i feel like i've lived here much longer than the 2 weeks i really have. life is so good.
i started my internship at an indianapolis public elementary school last tuesday. i love it. i had no idea that i'd missed being a part of a school so badly. my first week alone was a huge blessing and confirmation of this as my career choice. i'm excited to go back tomorrow, and keep getting to know the kids and teachers. it will be a huge challenge, as the kids come from one of the worst sections of the city. 93% of their parents are unemployed. it is like another world sometimes, but they are sweet kids who ache to be loved.
...they are also germy kids who passed on some cold/flu bug that i got for the better part of last week/weekend. which shocked me, since i thought my immune system was fail-proof.
overall though, i feel like i have just had one good experience after another this summer. and looking back, some have been icky situations where, only after i've looked back on them, did i see their value. it's been a growing summer--a growing year, really.
i went to the indiana state fair a few nights ago, and DID NOT try the chocolate-covered bacon. but i was standing near the booth as some people were eating it, and actually heard one girl say, "actually, it's not very good,"
well now. isn't that a shock? chocolate covered bacon? not very good? GET OUT.
going to traverse city with john "the great american" murphy, girlkq, and joe "i've been to space" jewell. good times will be had by all. it will be jam packed with euchre, wine tasting, and northern michigan cabin-living. it will be an admittedly quick trip (partially my fault for needing to cut it a little short), but hopefully just the thing we all need to jump start the fall craziness that will quickly ensue. yay for quality friends from high school.
my move from my apartment went stellar. a huge THANK YOU to kathy q for bringing her parents' truck down from lafayette and helping me move one HOT wednesday evening. we totally girl-powered it and should probably consider starting our own moving company if our careers in education are a bust. it's going to be called two girls, a truck, and an suv. i still have to vacuum out the old place and turn in the keys today. but i'm mostly settled in my new house and i LOVE it. love the neighborhood as well. i have already identified several houses that would be perfectly acceptable abodes once i graduate and begin making tons of money.
ok, that last part was a joke. i know that you THOUGHT i'd be really rich as a school counselor. but alas, probably not. unless i marry well. WHICH btw, is still part of the master plan. anyway, the moral of the story is that my new neighborhood is so cool. (i can't think of a better adjective right now, but know that "cool" doesn't do it justice)...lots of old homes, corner coffeeshops, sidewalks, ahhh. i feel like i've lived here much longer than the 2 weeks i really have. life is so good.
i started my internship at an indianapolis public elementary school last tuesday. i love it. i had no idea that i'd missed being a part of a school so badly. my first week alone was a huge blessing and confirmation of this as my career choice. i'm excited to go back tomorrow, and keep getting to know the kids and teachers. it will be a huge challenge, as the kids come from one of the worst sections of the city. 93% of their parents are unemployed. it is like another world sometimes, but they are sweet kids who ache to be loved.
...they are also germy kids who passed on some cold/flu bug that i got for the better part of last week/weekend. which shocked me, since i thought my immune system was fail-proof.
overall though, i feel like i have just had one good experience after another this summer. and looking back, some have been icky situations where, only after i've looked back on them, did i see their value. it's been a growing summer--a growing year, really.
i went to the indiana state fair a few nights ago, and DID NOT try the chocolate-covered bacon. but i was standing near the booth as some people were eating it, and actually heard one girl say, "actually, it's not very good,"
well now. isn't that a shock? chocolate covered bacon? not very good? GET OUT.
going to traverse city with john "the great american" murphy, girlkq, and joe "i've been to space" jewell. good times will be had by all. it will be jam packed with euchre, wine tasting, and northern michigan cabin-living. it will be an admittedly quick trip (partially my fault for needing to cut it a little short), but hopefully just the thing we all need to jump start the fall craziness that will quickly ensue. yay for quality friends from high school.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
calvin friends...
do you remember that time those guys (i think on 3rd bolt) shaved that squirrel? and becca had just learned to knit and said she was going to make it a sweater?
i totally thought of that tonight and COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING.
SPEAKING of squirrels...i almost hit one yesterday. on my rollerblades. how is that possible, you ask? i am just THAT FAST.
do you remember that time those guys (i think on 3rd bolt) shaved that squirrel? and becca had just learned to knit and said she was going to make it a sweater?
i totally thought of that tonight and COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING.
SPEAKING of squirrels...i almost hit one yesterday. on my rollerblades. how is that possible, you ask? i am just THAT FAST.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.
When I made up my mind to leave my teaching job at Grace and move to Indianapolis, there was more to that decision than just a career change. I could have stayed in southwest Michigan...done my graduate work at WMU, kept the job I LOVED, and proceeded through life in what had become my "normal." I had built a life in St. Joe that I truly loved, but there was something missing. And it's something that I've only now begun to be able to articulate. Whenever I meet new people in Indy and they ask about what brought me here, it's been hard to explain exactly why I moved here...why I left a job that was fun, fulfilling, challenging, etc...and moved to a new place. [INDIANA, no less!!!!] It's not exactly exotic, Lake Michigan is 3 hours away, and the winters are still bitterly cold. When I was in St. Joe, I think what was missing is that there was one piece of my life in which I had not stepped out in faith. Not to say that life in St joe was easy...it's actually very difficult to return to your hometown and begin a life as an adult. It involves re-working family roles and expectations along with the challenges of beginning a career, managing an apartment, and being self-sufficient. I look back on my life though, and see how those three years were absolutely essential in my own "growing up." When I graduated from college, I was in no place emotionally to pack up and move away from my entire network of support. I needed to be somewhere familiar because I was pretty raw and dealing with huge life change and broken expectation for how my life would unfold. God was so gracious though, and gave me a job at a place where I felt I fit and was loved. Those years flew by so quickly that I almost cannot believe I watched three precious classes graduate. Words cannot describe how my 3 years at Grace have enriched my life, introduced me to people who I will cherish forever, and gave me confidence to pursue this next step in my career.
What was lacking in St. Joe though was my need to truly step OUT in faith. I had so many backup plans in St Joe...if my life were a highwire act, you could say that I had about 10 nets in place in case I fell...my parents (who I knew would rescue me financially, emotionally, etc if I ever needed it), friends from high school, a familiar church, a familiar town, etc To those who have moved across the globe (or even across the country) may not see my move 3 hours south as all that daring or faithful. But it IS a big deal to say goodbye to a full and satisfying life in one to start over in another, even if it's only one state away.
What has very much been on my heart the past few weeks is not only how different my life is now than it was a year ago, but also how God has blessed me more than I really could have imagined when I prayed for a good experience in Indy a year ago. I had hoped to make a good friend or two in my program, maybe find a good church where there were another couple people with whom I could connect. So imagine my surprise and joy to not only have made a several close friends at school, but also to have a group from church of quality people who love God and challenge one another to live in abundance and truth.
I feel that my time in St Joe was an amazing time of healing, renewal, and preparation for the next step of my life. But it was in place for a season, and I am only now far enough removed from it to process what I did and learned during that time. And this reflection brings me to my knees...to see how God's timing works and how he really does answer prayers. This is something I know, but rarely trust. How many times have I asked for something out of ignorance ("God please give me a friend in Indianapolis") and God gives back many times over what I asked for?!? But there's really more to it than that. While I never regretted my decision to move to Indy, I did wonder if God could have drawn me close in faith to him when I was in St Joe. And I'm sure he could have, but I do believe that my move, and some of the loneliness that comes in the time between meeting people and truly getting to know them, drew me closer to God. I have had many quiet hours alone in my apartment....and it's been in this silence that I have made the time to pray, read the Bible, and allow myself to be vulnerable. My busy life in St. Joe was fun but it distracted me in many ways from truly knowing myself in my weakness. I felt that I had it all together. And that even if I didn't, there were nets to catch me if I let something fall. I lived a life largely characterized by obedience for obedience's sake rather than following God out of faith.
All this to say, it hasn't been the easiest thing to do--I miss my old job immensely, and I think of my past students often, sometimes with tears, sometimes with laughter. I sometimes wish that I could transplant my job at Grace and move it to Indy, that I could bring my friends from St joe to indy as well. But let's say that could happen...I would not have had the same experience in Indy as I've had. I made this move, and I take the whole experience as it is, the fulfilling parts, the empty parts, the areas where God has taught me, the areas where I'm still learning to trust. Life is a mix of the good and bad, and it's not necessarily been an easy 4 years since my college days. But it certainly has been a time of growing. With each passing day, I am coming to see Job's words as even more true for own life...I have sought to know what God has in my future, only to realize that perhaps I'm jumping the gun, asking for things that I don't understand while God' plan is too wonderful (in the overall, fulfilling sense, not in the immediate gratification or temporal pleasure sense) for me to know.
For some of you reading this, you're maybe seeing a new side of Libby :) It's where I'm at right now...processing what I've learned the past year. This is just a glimpse into my heart right now, a place that I don't always let other see. But you know what, it's who I am :)
But speaking of treasures in Indy, I will give you a Levi story of the day.
Yesterday I was over there teaching him a piano lesson. He likes to use the pedals on his keyboard, and he also likes to press this slide that changes the pitch of the keys in all kinds of wonky ways. But he gets distracted easily, so I don't let him do that stuff until the end of the piano lesson. So at the beginning, I said "Levi, let's review the rules for our piano lesson." And he replied.."These are the three rules for our piano lesson, Libby....no pitch, no pedals, no silliness."
And then he said "let me give you a hug, Libby."
What was lacking in St. Joe though was my need to truly step OUT in faith. I had so many backup plans in St Joe...if my life were a highwire act, you could say that I had about 10 nets in place in case I fell...my parents (who I knew would rescue me financially, emotionally, etc if I ever needed it), friends from high school, a familiar church, a familiar town, etc To those who have moved across the globe (or even across the country) may not see my move 3 hours south as all that daring or faithful. But it IS a big deal to say goodbye to a full and satisfying life in one to start over in another, even if it's only one state away.
What has very much been on my heart the past few weeks is not only how different my life is now than it was a year ago, but also how God has blessed me more than I really could have imagined when I prayed for a good experience in Indy a year ago. I had hoped to make a good friend or two in my program, maybe find a good church where there were another couple people with whom I could connect. So imagine my surprise and joy to not only have made a several close friends at school, but also to have a group from church of quality people who love God and challenge one another to live in abundance and truth.
I feel that my time in St Joe was an amazing time of healing, renewal, and preparation for the next step of my life. But it was in place for a season, and I am only now far enough removed from it to process what I did and learned during that time. And this reflection brings me to my knees...to see how God's timing works and how he really does answer prayers. This is something I know, but rarely trust. How many times have I asked for something out of ignorance ("God please give me a friend in Indianapolis") and God gives back many times over what I asked for?!? But there's really more to it than that. While I never regretted my decision to move to Indy, I did wonder if God could have drawn me close in faith to him when I was in St Joe. And I'm sure he could have, but I do believe that my move, and some of the loneliness that comes in the time between meeting people and truly getting to know them, drew me closer to God. I have had many quiet hours alone in my apartment....and it's been in this silence that I have made the time to pray, read the Bible, and allow myself to be vulnerable. My busy life in St. Joe was fun but it distracted me in many ways from truly knowing myself in my weakness. I felt that I had it all together. And that even if I didn't, there were nets to catch me if I let something fall. I lived a life largely characterized by obedience for obedience's sake rather than following God out of faith.
All this to say, it hasn't been the easiest thing to do--I miss my old job immensely, and I think of my past students often, sometimes with tears, sometimes with laughter. I sometimes wish that I could transplant my job at Grace and move it to Indy, that I could bring my friends from St joe to indy as well. But let's say that could happen...I would not have had the same experience in Indy as I've had. I made this move, and I take the whole experience as it is, the fulfilling parts, the empty parts, the areas where God has taught me, the areas where I'm still learning to trust. Life is a mix of the good and bad, and it's not necessarily been an easy 4 years since my college days. But it certainly has been a time of growing. With each passing day, I am coming to see Job's words as even more true for own life...I have sought to know what God has in my future, only to realize that perhaps I'm jumping the gun, asking for things that I don't understand while God' plan is too wonderful (in the overall, fulfilling sense, not in the immediate gratification or temporal pleasure sense) for me to know.
For some of you reading this, you're maybe seeing a new side of Libby :) It's where I'm at right now...processing what I've learned the past year. This is just a glimpse into my heart right now, a place that I don't always let other see. But you know what, it's who I am :)
But speaking of treasures in Indy, I will give you a Levi story of the day.
Yesterday I was over there teaching him a piano lesson. He likes to use the pedals on his keyboard, and he also likes to press this slide that changes the pitch of the keys in all kinds of wonky ways. But he gets distracted easily, so I don't let him do that stuff until the end of the piano lesson. So at the beginning, I said "Levi, let's review the rules for our piano lesson." And he replied.."These are the three rules for our piano lesson, Libby....no pitch, no pedals, no silliness."
And then he said "let me give you a hug, Libby."
Friday, July 10, 2009
"richard, can i call you dick?"...."absolutely not!"
this gets me EVERYTIME!
thanks allison, for saying what's on your mind.
thanks allison, for saying what's on your mind.
fab friends, fun runs, and no news is good news
hey friends. what up?
it seems that friday nights have become my catch-up times, wherein i stay at home and do all the things i should have done the past week. or two, as the case may be. i have done the bare minimum to keep afloat lately in school. I've also spent some QUAL-I-TY time wiht great friends and fambly, so i'm not feeling guilty. just behind. i've got a packed next-ten-days ahead of me as well, so here i find myself.
in the dark.
JK! but i cam sitting at home, exhausted from chasing some kidlins all afternoon for a project from my practicum class.
so how was your 4th of july?
thanks for asking, mine was FABULOUS. and that is no exaggeration. it was the best weekend of 2009, with the lone exception of OWNING the minimarathon with beth in may.
i will now take you through the highlights step by step.
oooh, my first highlight has nothing to do with the 4th. on june 27, my two awesome neighbors shree and serena and their cousin nanette and i did the indy nite ride, where basically 1/5 of downtown is closed down for 2 hours at 11pm on a saturday night, and 2500 bicyclists ride 20 miles through the streets of indianapolis. it was SO MUCH FUN. we got there kind of early and had hours to wait before the ride began, but we had lots of fun. next year, we're playing euchre, bringing snacks (not healthy ones, if i have anything to say about it), and basically, a good time will be had by all. if you'll be in the indianapolis area, have a bike with a headlight (or do what i did and strap a headlamp to the front. classy maneuver, i know), and a helmet, JOIN US NEXT YEAR!!! i'm serious guys, it was a blast. you missed out big time. sorry, but you did.
back to my #1 weekend. (btw, why is it so hard to come back to real life after having a life changing experience such as the celebration of the birth of an ENTIRE NATION, or a celine dion concert. )
so it all began when allison invited herself to my parents house for a couple days. i was like, "i guess...." JK! it was so fun to bring one of my grad school friends back to the mitten (with which she was SMITTEN!) for a couple days. the bummer however was the lack of good beachgoing weather. so instead of wine tasting and sunbathing, we watched gone with the wind (longest movie ever!) and played a round of pingpong. we really know how to make the most of our time :).....actually, we stayed pretty active despite the cool weather and rain, and that activity included a workout, that, though only 20 minutes long, took DAYS for me to recover from. um, no joke. i haven't done a real sit-up since probably the presidential fitness test in elementary school. which i failed miserably. shocking, i know!
allison left for g-rap on thursday, and i played croquet for the first time in my life on thursday night. and lost. to a 67 year old. awesome. that does a real number on my whole self-concept that i'd spent the past 4 years so carefully building up. in an instant, on a summer evening's dewey grass to the tune of crickets' songs...GONE. who am i and why am i here?
jeff and mary showed up for the holiday on friday. and they brought their new....SNUGGIE. that's right, jeff is the proud new owner of the famous blanket with sleeves. but there's more... I WANT ONE NOW! seriously, the snuggie is ll it's crack'd up to be, all i'd imagined, AND MORE! i could read, without my arms geting cold. in a word? amazing.
that's no lie. if i'm anything, you should know by now, i'm a truthteller
[somewhat-related sidenote: allison, you really need to take care of those split ends. i noticed]
ok, so moving on to friday. i had a GREAT time reconnecting with kristin and abby. we spent the day getting fried on saugatuck's oval beach (known in some circles as one of the premier clothing-optional beaches in...michigan? the country? 'm not sure, but the closest we saw to nude was speedos on many a man) i came home from sauagatuck very much filled up from the good time we had just hanging out, catching up, laughing, reminsicing, and being together again. we even found a dead animal for abby to point at and take a picture. the saugatuck squirrel joins the ranks of some dead fish on the ludington beach, and some beheaded seal somewhere several years ago. abby, usually up to any challenge when it involves even a small payout, would not take me up on an offer to order "hotcakes" instead of "pancakes." off the menu. i even think i offered her a whole dollar. there are some words she just cannot be persuaded to say. but hotcakes? who would have thought....?
saturday was a run slash walk with leisa and fireworks on the beach. michigan summers are as near to perfection as you could imagine.
there's so much more i could tell you all, faithful friends, but my hands are kind of sick of typing. ii have some lofty academic goals for the rest of the evening, and plans to run 10 miles in the am, bright and early before it gets to be 90 degrees. yeehaw.
happy friday evening!
it seems that friday nights have become my catch-up times, wherein i stay at home and do all the things i should have done the past week. or two, as the case may be. i have done the bare minimum to keep afloat lately in school. I've also spent some QUAL-I-TY time wiht great friends and fambly, so i'm not feeling guilty. just behind. i've got a packed next-ten-days ahead of me as well, so here i find myself.
in the dark.
JK! but i cam sitting at home, exhausted from chasing some kidlins all afternoon for a project from my practicum class.
so how was your 4th of july?
thanks for asking, mine was FABULOUS. and that is no exaggeration. it was the best weekend of 2009, with the lone exception of OWNING the minimarathon with beth in may.
i will now take you through the highlights step by step.
oooh, my first highlight has nothing to do with the 4th. on june 27, my two awesome neighbors shree and serena and their cousin nanette and i did the indy nite ride, where basically 1/5 of downtown is closed down for 2 hours at 11pm on a saturday night, and 2500 bicyclists ride 20 miles through the streets of indianapolis. it was SO MUCH FUN. we got there kind of early and had hours to wait before the ride began, but we had lots of fun. next year, we're playing euchre, bringing snacks (not healthy ones, if i have anything to say about it), and basically, a good time will be had by all. if you'll be in the indianapolis area, have a bike with a headlight (or do what i did and strap a headlamp to the front. classy maneuver, i know), and a helmet, JOIN US NEXT YEAR!!! i'm serious guys, it was a blast. you missed out big time. sorry, but you did.
back to my #1 weekend. (btw, why is it so hard to come back to real life after having a life changing experience such as the celebration of the birth of an ENTIRE NATION, or a celine dion concert. )
so it all began when allison invited herself to my parents house for a couple days. i was like, "i guess...." JK! it was so fun to bring one of my grad school friends back to the mitten (with which she was SMITTEN!) for a couple days. the bummer however was the lack of good beachgoing weather. so instead of wine tasting and sunbathing, we watched gone with the wind (longest movie ever!) and played a round of pingpong. we really know how to make the most of our time :).....actually, we stayed pretty active despite the cool weather and rain, and that activity included a workout, that, though only 20 minutes long, took DAYS for me to recover from. um, no joke. i haven't done a real sit-up since probably the presidential fitness test in elementary school. which i failed miserably. shocking, i know!
allison left for g-rap on thursday, and i played croquet for the first time in my life on thursday night. and lost. to a 67 year old. awesome. that does a real number on my whole self-concept that i'd spent the past 4 years so carefully building up. in an instant, on a summer evening's dewey grass to the tune of crickets' songs...GONE. who am i and why am i here?
jeff and mary showed up for the holiday on friday. and they brought their new....SNUGGIE. that's right, jeff is the proud new owner of the famous blanket with sleeves. but there's more... I WANT ONE NOW! seriously, the snuggie is ll it's crack'd up to be, all i'd imagined, AND MORE! i could read, without my arms geting cold. in a word? amazing.
that's no lie. if i'm anything, you should know by now, i'm a truthteller
[somewhat-related sidenote: allison, you really need to take care of those split ends. i noticed]
ok, so moving on to friday. i had a GREAT time reconnecting with kristin and abby. we spent the day getting fried on saugatuck's oval beach (known in some circles as one of the premier clothing-optional beaches in...michigan? the country? 'm not sure, but the closest we saw to nude was speedos on many a man) i came home from sauagatuck very much filled up from the good time we had just hanging out, catching up, laughing, reminsicing, and being together again. we even found a dead animal for abby to point at and take a picture. the saugatuck squirrel joins the ranks of some dead fish on the ludington beach, and some beheaded seal somewhere several years ago. abby, usually up to any challenge when it involves even a small payout, would not take me up on an offer to order "hotcakes" instead of "pancakes." off the menu. i even think i offered her a whole dollar. there are some words she just cannot be persuaded to say. but hotcakes? who would have thought....?
saturday was a run slash walk with leisa and fireworks on the beach. michigan summers are as near to perfection as you could imagine.
there's so much more i could tell you all, faithful friends, but my hands are kind of sick of typing. ii have some lofty academic goals for the rest of the evening, and plans to run 10 miles in the am, bright and early before it gets to be 90 degrees. yeehaw.
happy friday evening!
Friday, June 26, 2009
bethany grace panozzo is the best bff ever.
i have not called her to thank her for the AWESOME birthday package in the mail. but know that it was full of things that make me smile and think of beth. not the least of which is twerpz, which i have spoken so highly of over and over again on here.and i'm pretty sure she had to order them online, since walgreens doesn't sell them anymore.
anyway, she is the best ever, and if i had a megaphone and a mountain, i'd tell the world. but i don't. i have a computer and a blog, so that will have to do.
i have not called her to thank her for the AWESOME birthday package in the mail. but know that it was full of things that make me smile and think of beth. not the least of which is twerpz, which i have spoken so highly of over and over again on here.and i'm pretty sure she had to order them online, since walgreens doesn't sell them anymore.
anyway, she is the best ever, and if i had a megaphone and a mountain, i'd tell the world. but i don't. i have a computer and a blog, so that will have to do.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
fifty thousand screaming fans can't be wrong
there has been quite the outcry, i tell you. a deluge of rage. all 4 of you who read this are UP IN ARMS over lack of updates. which is in fact, a complete exaggeration. but i like a little drama every now and then. dramadramadrama.
where do i even begin, i ask? i will start with today and work backwards till that DARN carpal tunnel kicks in.
so today i went on a supersecret mission that i will not divulge on this free and open blogosphere in which we find ourselves. rather, i will tell you in person. if you ask politely and if you have clearance for news of this magnitude. but for now let's just say it involved an entire morning, lots of corn, and some unfriendly government workers. in somewhat-related news, i also got my indiana driver's license (after only missing 2 questions on the test. [sigh of relief, as the others in there did NOT far so well} it was actualyl kind of hard, especially where you had to say what a sign meant based on SHAPE ALONE. well, not i know that railroad crossing signs are round. had never noticed that, because i was paying attention to what the sign actually said. but i digress)
anyway, i also taught little levi a piano lesson, during which he tickled my arm and told me to hold on to the tickle so it will stay with me all night. so cute.
i have an 8-hour class on saturday, and my days have been spent reading and writing in preparation. finshed an 8=[age paper tonight, and i have another book to read and 8 more pages to write before saturday. what complicates that is the fact that i'm doing the indy NITE ride tomorrow night--a late night ride through downtown. yay.
i also spent a good part of an hour catching up with my wonderful friend jessica from fremont, ohio. we talk about once a year, but totally pick up where we left off. and where we left off is usually mocking our junior-high selves back when we lived next door to one another during the mid 90s. if you could see my 8th grade yearbook picture, you would see why this girl is a saint. she was my friend, despite my big bangs, highwaist tapered jeans and ginormous gap between my two buck teeth. a saint.
she and i took the infamous trip to l.a. in 2005, and if you've not heard my stories about said vacation, by all means, ask me next time. i tend to ramble when telling stories though, so here are the cue words o get me back to the important parts of the trip: psychic cat, "the annex," "will work for marijuana," and "pacific sands MOTEL."
[in related news, never stay in a "motel"-type establishment in santa monica. or you will be the only sober non-prostitute female. you and your old navy sundress and suitcase on wheels. you innocent ponytail and paperback novel will scream "wholesome midwesterner" and you will stick out like a sore thumb at the pacific sands motel. you do not belong.
another hint to get the heck out of there is when you are instructed to walk your suitcase on wheels down an ALLEY to get to your room. at that point you may want to cut your losses and run. past the condemned mcdonalds overrun with shopping carts full of CATS to the recently remodeled and impeccably clean holiday inn across the street. it's hit-or-miss in santa monica, i tell you what.]
anyway...i went to target, spent $49. shocking, i know. but this time, it was all things i NEEEDED. and that is the truth. and that is a shock. that store is all at once magical and deceitful. the items call me forth and beckon to be buyed. but today i said "no more." i have to save up for my fun summer plans that lie ahead. and by fun summer plans, of course i mean driving to ohio a couple times, michigan another couple times., and perhaps getting ice cream here in indy every now and then. but you know what, i'm looking forward to it. it's the little things.
so it's stinkin hot outside. i am very blessed though by a well-insulated apartment. it is comfortably cool and i haven't even needed to turn on the air. that is a huge huge deal, saving tons of money. i've worked out, done some school work, cleaned the kitchen and brushed my teeth. it's bedtime :)
where do i even begin, i ask? i will start with today and work backwards till that DARN carpal tunnel kicks in.
so today i went on a supersecret mission that i will not divulge on this free and open blogosphere in which we find ourselves. rather, i will tell you in person. if you ask politely and if you have clearance for news of this magnitude. but for now let's just say it involved an entire morning, lots of corn, and some unfriendly government workers. in somewhat-related news, i also got my indiana driver's license (after only missing 2 questions on the test. [sigh of relief, as the others in there did NOT far so well} it was actualyl kind of hard, especially where you had to say what a sign meant based on SHAPE ALONE. well, not i know that railroad crossing signs are round. had never noticed that, because i was paying attention to what the sign actually said. but i digress)
anyway, i also taught little levi a piano lesson, during which he tickled my arm and told me to hold on to the tickle so it will stay with me all night. so cute.
i have an 8-hour class on saturday, and my days have been spent reading and writing in preparation. finshed an 8=[age paper tonight, and i have another book to read and 8 more pages to write before saturday. what complicates that is the fact that i'm doing the indy NITE ride tomorrow night--a late night ride through downtown. yay.
i also spent a good part of an hour catching up with my wonderful friend jessica from fremont, ohio. we talk about once a year, but totally pick up where we left off. and where we left off is usually mocking our junior-high selves back when we lived next door to one another during the mid 90s. if you could see my 8th grade yearbook picture, you would see why this girl is a saint. she was my friend, despite my big bangs, highwaist tapered jeans and ginormous gap between my two buck teeth. a saint.
she and i took the infamous trip to l.a. in 2005, and if you've not heard my stories about said vacation, by all means, ask me next time. i tend to ramble when telling stories though, so here are the cue words o get me back to the important parts of the trip: psychic cat, "the annex," "will work for marijuana," and "pacific sands MOTEL."
[in related news, never stay in a "motel"-type establishment in santa monica. or you will be the only sober non-prostitute female. you and your old navy sundress and suitcase on wheels. you innocent ponytail and paperback novel will scream "wholesome midwesterner" and you will stick out like a sore thumb at the pacific sands motel. you do not belong.
another hint to get the heck out of there is when you are instructed to walk your suitcase on wheels down an ALLEY to get to your room. at that point you may want to cut your losses and run. past the condemned mcdonalds overrun with shopping carts full of CATS to the recently remodeled and impeccably clean holiday inn across the street. it's hit-or-miss in santa monica, i tell you what.]
anyway...i went to target, spent $49. shocking, i know. but this time, it was all things i NEEEDED. and that is the truth. and that is a shock. that store is all at once magical and deceitful. the items call me forth and beckon to be buyed. but today i said "no more." i have to save up for my fun summer plans that lie ahead. and by fun summer plans, of course i mean driving to ohio a couple times, michigan another couple times., and perhaps getting ice cream here in indy every now and then. but you know what, i'm looking forward to it. it's the little things.
so it's stinkin hot outside. i am very blessed though by a well-insulated apartment. it is comfortably cool and i haven't even needed to turn on the air. that is a huge huge deal, saving tons of money. i've worked out, done some school work, cleaned the kitchen and brushed my teeth. it's bedtime :)
Friday, June 12, 2009
on bottled water and those butler bulldogs
the birthday celebration this morning was a smash hit. my grandpa loved the birthday card with a monkey on it and we had all sorts of important discussions. why bottled water is a waste of money. where i can take pop cans to recycle them. the butler bulldogs upcoming trip to italy. it was a lovely morning.
i rounded out my afternoon at panera and then poolside with friends. two of my favorite places to be. despite the cloudy sky, i am a litle bit pink.
life is good
i rounded out my afternoon at panera and then poolside with friends. two of my favorite places to be. despite the cloudy sky, i am a litle bit pink.
life is good
Thursday, June 11, 2009
back in business
ok. three things
a.) thank you aefisher84, my ipod is charged and i can once again work out. and i did. and it was awesome.
b.) how about that swine flu?
c.) i am kiiiind of up to my ears in work for school, but i have a much better attitude about it and a new resolve to make the most of this summer. this is good.
my back has been insanely sore the other day, so i've started sleeping on my back and juuuust might go get a massage this weekend. desperate times call for desperate measures.
a couple funny things happened today. first, one of my favorite students, sam (the eighth grader who had BUSINESS CARDS. i mean, why wouldn't you) put one of his science project videos on youtube. anyway, there's this one part where sam is part of a newscast, playing the part of the interviewer, interviewing an "expert" on BOTH volcanoes and earthquakes. He asks this expert to explain the similarities between volcanoes and earthquakes. to which the "expert" replies, "there aren't too many similarities...actually there are none at all." ok. maybe you have to see it for yourself. i will get the link. anyway at the end of the interview sam goes, "up next...bette midler." haha. what 8th grade boy from 2008 knows who bette midler is?
i also had piano lesson #2 this week with levi. i wish i had a video camera when he's talking. it's totally hilarious and completely adorable. he told me today that my arms had hair on them and that i should probably shave them. he also told me that next year he's going to take stair lessons because he has "a little trouble" going up stairs. he also told me that i made "a few" mistakes in my rendition of ode to joy.
i am going running with my grandpa in the morning and then taking him out for coffee to celebrate his 81st year of life. nothing says happy birthday like a cream cheese danish and st-rong starbucks coffee in the butler student union. we know how to celebrate in style. it's like, go big or go home. right?
and finally tonight, my grandmother burst my proverbial bubble last fall when she told me that the plant i had managed to keep alive for 2 whole years was a philodendron, and that you "can't kill a philodendron even if you tried." well, grandma, i did try and it did die. i had been feeding it a ot-so-steady diet of tap water and the dregs of my morning coffee, and it still kept losing leaves and turning yellow. so i put it outside for a couple days, to get some sun and some water. well, holy torrential downpour the other night! so the leaves (which are on these vine-y like stems) were sitting in some stagnant water for about a day, and they started to rot. so i killed an unkillable plant. what am i going to do when i have children? can i be trusted to take care of any living thing? i think we know the answer, and this is not good.
goodnight and happy weekend! tomorrow's friday!!!
a.) thank you aefisher84, my ipod is charged and i can once again work out. and i did. and it was awesome.
b.) how about that swine flu?
c.) i am kiiiind of up to my ears in work for school, but i have a much better attitude about it and a new resolve to make the most of this summer. this is good.
my back has been insanely sore the other day, so i've started sleeping on my back and juuuust might go get a massage this weekend. desperate times call for desperate measures.
a couple funny things happened today. first, one of my favorite students, sam (the eighth grader who had BUSINESS CARDS. i mean, why wouldn't you) put one of his science project videos on youtube. anyway, there's this one part where sam is part of a newscast, playing the part of the interviewer, interviewing an "expert" on BOTH volcanoes and earthquakes. He asks this expert to explain the similarities between volcanoes and earthquakes. to which the "expert" replies, "there aren't too many similarities...actually there are none at all." ok. maybe you have to see it for yourself. i will get the link. anyway at the end of the interview sam goes, "up next...bette midler." haha. what 8th grade boy from 2008 knows who bette midler is?
i also had piano lesson #2 this week with levi. i wish i had a video camera when he's talking. it's totally hilarious and completely adorable. he told me today that my arms had hair on them and that i should probably shave them. he also told me that next year he's going to take stair lessons because he has "a little trouble" going up stairs. he also told me that i made "a few" mistakes in my rendition of ode to joy.
i am going running with my grandpa in the morning and then taking him out for coffee to celebrate his 81st year of life. nothing says happy birthday like a cream cheese danish and st-rong starbucks coffee in the butler student union. we know how to celebrate in style. it's like, go big or go home. right?
and finally tonight, my grandmother burst my proverbial bubble last fall when she told me that the plant i had managed to keep alive for 2 whole years was a philodendron, and that you "can't kill a philodendron even if you tried." well, grandma, i did try and it did die. i had been feeding it a ot-so-steady diet of tap water and the dregs of my morning coffee, and it still kept losing leaves and turning yellow. so i put it outside for a couple days, to get some sun and some water. well, holy torrential downpour the other night! so the leaves (which are on these vine-y like stems) were sitting in some stagnant water for about a day, and they started to rot. so i killed an unkillable plant. what am i going to do when i have children? can i be trusted to take care of any living thing? i think we know the answer, and this is not good.
goodnight and happy weekend! tomorrow's friday!!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
my ipod is out of juice
and i lost my charging cord. this makes working out for any length of time especially difficult. blast.
so this weekend was filled with naps in the sunshine, homework, and family. my grandma was in the hospital all last week, and no one really decided to tell me this until thursday. anyway, my parents came down for the weekend to stay with her while my grandpa went to pennsylvania for his only brother's funeral. so it's been quite a week for them. it's sad to get old.
oooh, this will get all you children of the early nineties...my brother has a reputation in our family for always having a year's supply of music for any and all car trips. this includes trips around town. we were taking the 15-minute drive to my aunt's house on the other side of indy, and he whips out a SHOEBOX full of CDs. we proceeded to listen to 7 of them on the short drive over. our musical selections included, but were not limited to kriss kross and mc hammer: jump and too legit to quit, respectively.
jeff was actually a proud cardholding member of the kriss kross fan club back in the mid nineties. he was, in other words, dessork and totally krossed out.
saturday was our annual CFA proctoring day of fun. that means we spent 8 hours watching aspiring young financial analysts take a high states exam. it is mindnumbing, but worth the paycheck. however, a day's worth of sitting still has done a number on my nearly 26-year old back. i am getting so totally old.
this semester is slowly but surely owning me...i must get back to work. friends, i am looking forward to our tentative summer plans to reuinite, whether it be in traverse city or on the beach somewhere in west michigan. you know who you are. can't wait!!!
so this weekend was filled with naps in the sunshine, homework, and family. my grandma was in the hospital all last week, and no one really decided to tell me this until thursday. anyway, my parents came down for the weekend to stay with her while my grandpa went to pennsylvania for his only brother's funeral. so it's been quite a week for them. it's sad to get old.
oooh, this will get all you children of the early nineties...my brother has a reputation in our family for always having a year's supply of music for any and all car trips. this includes trips around town. we were taking the 15-minute drive to my aunt's house on the other side of indy, and he whips out a SHOEBOX full of CDs. we proceeded to listen to 7 of them on the short drive over. our musical selections included, but were not limited to kriss kross and mc hammer: jump and too legit to quit, respectively.
jeff was actually a proud cardholding member of the kriss kross fan club back in the mid nineties. he was, in other words, dessork and totally krossed out.
saturday was our annual CFA proctoring day of fun. that means we spent 8 hours watching aspiring young financial analysts take a high states exam. it is mindnumbing, but worth the paycheck. however, a day's worth of sitting still has done a number on my nearly 26-year old back. i am getting so totally old.
this semester is slowly but surely owning me...i must get back to work. friends, i am looking forward to our tentative summer plans to reuinite, whether it be in traverse city or on the beach somewhere in west michigan. you know who you are. can't wait!!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
update... come and get it
hello all.
i've heard from half of my loyal followers regarding my failures as a human being. specifically, the lack of updates within the blogosphere.
well, here's the deal. i've been:
put down
pushed around
apprehended, and led downtown.
...and by that, i mean out of town and busy busy busy. and a little taken advantage of, but that's my own fault. and i have a pretty awesome co-worker who lets me vent for hours on end. actually, more like minutes on end. but that's all i need.
i had a glorious weekend in michigan's "great southwest" --lots of time catching up with former students and their families at grad parties and graduation on sunday. i played pomp and circumstance (4th year) for the ceremony and didn't mess it up! (1st time for everything :). and the kids noticed. ha...i cannot tell you how nice it was to be back there. while i am so grateful for the opportunity to go to grad school, and to do it here with the people in my program, i still love gcs. it feels like home. it was refreshing to spend time there this weekend. ahhhh.
did anyone else watch svu last night? um, i kept my hands over my eyes for most of it. intense. scary. and yet oddly satisfying.
and speaking of tv, what was nbc thinking in a,) kicking jay leno out of the tonight show time slot. conan is awkward and not funny. and b.) creating i'm a celebrity get me out of here. i turn the channel when the previews even come on. seriously? sanjaya?
and despite how much i talk about it, i don't really watch that much tv. but i do tend to talk about what i watch.
this is perhaps the most boring update i've ever written. i'm now taking suggestions for topics you'd like me to address...politics? ethics? social justice? wnat me to give stand up comedy a shot? acrobatics? tap dancing? an advice column?
i've heard from half of my loyal followers regarding my failures as a human being. specifically, the lack of updates within the blogosphere.
well, here's the deal. i've been:
put down
pushed around
apprehended, and led downtown.
...and by that, i mean out of town and busy busy busy. and a little taken advantage of, but that's my own fault. and i have a pretty awesome co-worker who lets me vent for hours on end. actually, more like minutes on end. but that's all i need.
i had a glorious weekend in michigan's "great southwest" --lots of time catching up with former students and their families at grad parties and graduation on sunday. i played pomp and circumstance (4th year) for the ceremony and didn't mess it up! (1st time for everything :). and the kids noticed. ha...i cannot tell you how nice it was to be back there. while i am so grateful for the opportunity to go to grad school, and to do it here with the people in my program, i still love gcs. it feels like home. it was refreshing to spend time there this weekend. ahhhh.
did anyone else watch svu last night? um, i kept my hands over my eyes for most of it. intense. scary. and yet oddly satisfying.
and speaking of tv, what was nbc thinking in a,) kicking jay leno out of the tonight show time slot. conan is awkward and not funny. and b.) creating i'm a celebrity get me out of here. i turn the channel when the previews even come on. seriously? sanjaya?
and despite how much i talk about it, i don't really watch that much tv. but i do tend to talk about what i watch.
this is perhaps the most boring update i've ever written. i'm now taking suggestions for topics you'd like me to address...politics? ethics? social justice? wnat me to give stand up comedy a shot? acrobatics? tap dancing? an advice column?
Monday, May 25, 2009
weekend's over
back to reality after 4 days off.
went to my counsin evan's wedding in reading pennsylvania this weekend. i had a good time with my parents, but am totally drained from all the excitement (read: many long hours in the car). sooo....i am posting this to remind myself to update this page and tell you all about my exploits around eastern pa, but for now....watching the tonight show (monday is headlines night...the only worthwhile 10 minutes of the show all week :) and then....bedtime. ah. smiling just thinking about it.
back to reality after 4 days off.
went to my counsin evan's wedding in reading pennsylvania this weekend. i had a good time with my parents, but am totally drained from all the excitement (read: many long hours in the car). sooo....i am posting this to remind myself to update this page and tell you all about my exploits around eastern pa, but for now....watching the tonight show (monday is headlines night...the only worthwhile 10 minutes of the show all week :) and then....bedtime. ah. smiling just thinking about it.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
benchpress. some thoughts. and what i'll be doing august 1.
i don't want to brag, friends. but.
i have been an exceedingly good student so far, and have read every single page of required reading for my classes. i can't tell my friends in class because they'd call me a suck-up or dork or something. which is actually not cool and getting really old, since we're adults in grad school. we're paying well over $100 for each and every class we attend, so it really only makes sense to do the work required. and i feel like i wasted several thousand dollars last semester, because i definitely did the bare minimum for a class or two. yeah, definitely two. anyway, i don't know how i got the dubious honor of being known as an overachiever. if they think this is overacheiving, they should've seen me in undergrad. because i am that cool.
ok, i'm going to get on my soapbox and vent a little. is that ok? thanks.
first, i am definitely guilty of doing the same thing i'm about to gripe about. which makes me a supremo-hypocrite, but i have acknowledged my ways and am actively working toward changing them. anyway.
here's what bugs me. all of us who are taking a full load this semester are feeling like there's a lot required in pretty much every single class. it's not totally ridiculous, but it will definitely be a considerable portion of our time each week for the next two and a half months. some of us are taking more than others, and most of us have at least one or two other major things going on in our lives besides school (eg, work, moving, mission trips, etc). so what bugs me is when people talk about all their extra responsibilities as if they are so much harder to handle than everyone else's. as if no one else could possibly understand what they're going through because their lives are that much harder (i do this too! not cool!!!). but here's the thing...most people fill their time to the max of what they can handle. (which is honestly not necessarily a good thing.) most of us aren't actually sitting around doing nothing in our free time. and if we have free time, it may just be intentional and due to the recognition that down time actually makes you busy time more productive and meaningful. i feel like there's an unspoken contest to see who has the most going on in their lives right now, and like i said before, i get sucked into it to. and i'm not even one of the busiest people i know. i think we brag about how much we have on our plate for a couple reasons. here's why i do it...it makes my life seem more meaningful, and it gives me an excuse if i don't succeed. i am ashamed to admit this, but i think its true. for me anyway.
i am so totally tired of trying to do more and more and more. the pressure is actually rather tremendous. i catch myself placing value on being involved in as much as i possibly can, almost afraid of a day off. as if my schedule gives my life meaning. as if a day of rest is something to be feared. i was talking to a good friend last week, and we were discussing "the rat race"... how our generation is pressured to do more and more and more, all so we can acquire more and more and more. and we will certainly pass this down to our children unless they have the wisdom early on and see the error of that kind of life.
so i'm left asking myself if what i'm doing TODAY is valuable. to some extent, my busy-ness and stress are necessary evils right now...must get through the next 11 months of school so i can enter the vocation where i feel led. however, i also realize that the craziness must end soon because it's at the expense of meaningful relationships and service to others. it's so easy to say this as a day is drawing to an end, and i think it's an entirely different story each morning...to wake up determined to do what (and only that) which is meaningful...and to rest well... in ways that fulfill and revive.
i apologize. i almost erased this, but it's true to where i am mentally and emotionally right now. writing it down diffuses my frustrations. and with that....it's a gorgeous evening. time for a long, slow run alone with my thoughts and some sweet music.
OH! almost forgot...did i tell you all my happy news? i'm moving at the beginning of august! super excited to be living in a real neighborhood in a house with 2 other girls. have only met one of them so far, but she's quality and fun and classy, so i think it's going to be good. the house is older and has some quirks that give it character (but to all you who frequented 1110 main aka "party central," the bathroom is lots bigger and there's no plaid wallpaper or elf doors. sorry.)
i'm also goign to have to give away about half my wardrobe because the closets are TINY. that will be good for me.
HOWEVER. i've have some wonderful roommates over the years. they've been so good, in fact, that i have hesitated even considering doing the roommate thing because i just can't imagine that they'd be as great at the past few, who have been huge blessings and exactly what i've needed. so these new ones have some big shoes to fill. little do they know :) no pressure...
i have been an exceedingly good student so far, and have read every single page of required reading for my classes. i can't tell my friends in class because they'd call me a suck-up or dork or something. which is actually not cool and getting really old, since we're adults in grad school. we're paying well over $100 for each and every class we attend, so it really only makes sense to do the work required. and i feel like i wasted several thousand dollars last semester, because i definitely did the bare minimum for a class or two. yeah, definitely two. anyway, i don't know how i got the dubious honor of being known as an overachiever. if they think this is overacheiving, they should've seen me in undergrad. because i am that cool.
ok, i'm going to get on my soapbox and vent a little. is that ok? thanks.
first, i am definitely guilty of doing the same thing i'm about to gripe about. which makes me a supremo-hypocrite, but i have acknowledged my ways and am actively working toward changing them. anyway.
here's what bugs me. all of us who are taking a full load this semester are feeling like there's a lot required in pretty much every single class. it's not totally ridiculous, but it will definitely be a considerable portion of our time each week for the next two and a half months. some of us are taking more than others, and most of us have at least one or two other major things going on in our lives besides school (eg, work, moving, mission trips, etc). so what bugs me is when people talk about all their extra responsibilities as if they are so much harder to handle than everyone else's. as if no one else could possibly understand what they're going through because their lives are that much harder (i do this too! not cool!!!). but here's the thing...most people fill their time to the max of what they can handle. (which is honestly not necessarily a good thing.) most of us aren't actually sitting around doing nothing in our free time. and if we have free time, it may just be intentional and due to the recognition that down time actually makes you busy time more productive and meaningful. i feel like there's an unspoken contest to see who has the most going on in their lives right now, and like i said before, i get sucked into it to. and i'm not even one of the busiest people i know. i think we brag about how much we have on our plate for a couple reasons. here's why i do it...it makes my life seem more meaningful, and it gives me an excuse if i don't succeed. i am ashamed to admit this, but i think its true. for me anyway.
i am so totally tired of trying to do more and more and more. the pressure is actually rather tremendous. i catch myself placing value on being involved in as much as i possibly can, almost afraid of a day off. as if my schedule gives my life meaning. as if a day of rest is something to be feared. i was talking to a good friend last week, and we were discussing "the rat race"... how our generation is pressured to do more and more and more, all so we can acquire more and more and more. and we will certainly pass this down to our children unless they have the wisdom early on and see the error of that kind of life.
so i'm left asking myself if what i'm doing TODAY is valuable. to some extent, my busy-ness and stress are necessary evils right now...must get through the next 11 months of school so i can enter the vocation where i feel led. however, i also realize that the craziness must end soon because it's at the expense of meaningful relationships and service to others. it's so easy to say this as a day is drawing to an end, and i think it's an entirely different story each morning...to wake up determined to do what (and only that) which is meaningful...and to rest well... in ways that fulfill and revive.
i apologize. i almost erased this, but it's true to where i am mentally and emotionally right now. writing it down diffuses my frustrations. and with that....it's a gorgeous evening. time for a long, slow run alone with my thoughts and some sweet music.
OH! almost forgot...did i tell you all my happy news? i'm moving at the beginning of august! super excited to be living in a real neighborhood in a house with 2 other girls. have only met one of them so far, but she's quality and fun and classy, so i think it's going to be good. the house is older and has some quirks that give it character (but to all you who frequented 1110 main aka "party central," the bathroom is lots bigger and there's no plaid wallpaper or elf doors. sorry.)
i'm also goign to have to give away about half my wardrobe because the closets are TINY. that will be good for me.
HOWEVER. i've have some wonderful roommates over the years. they've been so good, in fact, that i have hesitated even considering doing the roommate thing because i just can't imagine that they'd be as great at the past few, who have been huge blessings and exactly what i've needed. so these new ones have some big shoes to fill. little do they know :) no pressure...
Friday, May 15, 2009
so i kept hearing all about the star trek movie coming out...heard the comedians make fun of it, heard that people were dressing up and lining up to see it...anyway, the whole time i was thinking "i thought all the star trek movies had already been made." so it didn't make sense that there was another one. well, tonight i got to thinking and all of a sudden realized that i was thinking of star WARS, not star TREK. i ALWAYS get those mixed up. some people really really get into star wars, too.
when i was in high school, i watched space balls at aaron vano's house. about halfway through the movie, i said, "WAIT. guys, did you ever realize that this is kind of like star wars." aaaand i will never live that down.
along those lines, i was nearing the end of my high school career before i realized that TP-in stands for toilet-papering. always thought it stood for teepees, as in the native american dwelling. sometimes it takes me a while, but i'll get there, eventually.
ok, one more thing. there's a car dealer here in indy who sells mercurys. only he pronounces it merc-uh-ry instead of merc-yoo-ry. kind of makes me laugh every time i hear it.
sweet dreams, my friends. i'm getting in my pajamas, finding a good book. (probably the DSM--awesome) and going to BED :)
when i was in high school, i watched space balls at aaron vano's house. about halfway through the movie, i said, "WAIT. guys, did you ever realize that this is kind of like star wars." aaaand i will never live that down.
along those lines, i was nearing the end of my high school career before i realized that TP-in stands for toilet-papering. always thought it stood for teepees, as in the native american dwelling. sometimes it takes me a while, but i'll get there, eventually.
ok, one more thing. there's a car dealer here in indy who sells mercurys. only he pronounces it merc-uh-ry instead of merc-yoo-ry. kind of makes me laugh every time i hear it.
sweet dreams, my friends. i'm getting in my pajamas, finding a good book. (probably the DSM--awesome) and going to BED :)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
cannot compartmentalize
looong day at iwu (eye'-woooo)...almost 10 hours there with just a little panera break for lunch and friends.
soo i saw two more clients (thanks for the encouraging phone calls, friends!) and these two were a little more involved than the two from yesterday (which seems like soooo much longer than a day ago). i'm getting over being the least bit nervous about meeting clients, but i feel like there are actual expectations from here on out. like, after one or two sessions, in my mind, there should be some progress made, even though i know that it's not that simple. at all.
anyway, it was sunny and pretty tonight, so i went for a walk after i returned home utterly exhausted. my ipod was out of juice, so i was resigned to my own thoughts...which drifted toward what i should have done better today. it's very hard to will yourself to not think about something, but i know it's best to leave work and school at work and school (which in my case is the same place, which is good. makes things easier.)
i am now going to clean my apartment up, turn on the tv for a while, unwind, most likely fall asleep on the couch and wake up at 2 am...stumble my way to bed, and wake up before the morning light to get ready to sub. i will return home even more tired than before....work out, din din with kelly and then an EARLY bedtime because i'm running on saturday morning. and then studying ALL DAY. and then going to an indians game. if it doesn't rain.
and there you have it. my next 48 hours in a nutshell.
fascinating, i know.
soo i saw two more clients (thanks for the encouraging phone calls, friends!) and these two were a little more involved than the two from yesterday (which seems like soooo much longer than a day ago). i'm getting over being the least bit nervous about meeting clients, but i feel like there are actual expectations from here on out. like, after one or two sessions, in my mind, there should be some progress made, even though i know that it's not that simple. at all.
anyway, it was sunny and pretty tonight, so i went for a walk after i returned home utterly exhausted. my ipod was out of juice, so i was resigned to my own thoughts...which drifted toward what i should have done better today. it's very hard to will yourself to not think about something, but i know it's best to leave work and school at work and school (which in my case is the same place, which is good. makes things easier.)
i am now going to clean my apartment up, turn on the tv for a while, unwind, most likely fall asleep on the couch and wake up at 2 am...stumble my way to bed, and wake up before the morning light to get ready to sub. i will return home even more tired than before....work out, din din with kelly and then an EARLY bedtime because i'm running on saturday morning. and then studying ALL DAY. and then going to an indians game. if it doesn't rain.
and there you have it. my next 48 hours in a nutshell.
fascinating, i know.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
big day. but my heart is with some other special kids today...
i saw my very first clients today. this is huge, because it was the first day i got to do what i'm actually studying to do. real people with real problems. no more slap happy role-playing with allison and kristina. don't get wrong, those were life-changing and all ("what i'm hearing you say is you need a support system....like a running club"...true story. i actually joined a running club at allison's advice during a fake counseling session for one of our classes. the girls was made to be a counselor :) however, this was my first session, alone. with a client. who needs help. anyway, it was a good first time experience, but it left me exhausted. i trust that it will get easier, and i will be able to roll with it a little more. and still have something leftover afterwards.
also started psychopathology and am actually looking forward to it. i think we're going to learn tons, and i have a renewed resolve to make the most of each class. i think i slacked off too much last semester and, i am honestly ashamed to say, slid by wiht the bare minimum in a class or two. there were reasons, but they're not good ones.
a friend asked me to burn a copy of the alison krauss/gillian welch version of "i'll fly away." which the prompted me to dig out some nickel creek. which i am now OBSESSED with. like, can't stop listening to it. i wonder if my brother will find this music choice acceptable. doubtful.
i mustered up enough willpower to drag my sorry self down tot he gym for 30 minutes tonight. and THEN i dropped my key in the grass. in the dark. awesome. so i borrowed a flashlight from a neighbor and rooted around the lawn on my hands a knees for what felt like 10 minutes. it was probably more liek 2 and a half. but it was an event. what a life i lead sometimes.
ok, now bear with me.
today was the last day for gcs seniors...when i was teaching the last day for seniors was always a bittersweet kind of day. but, these kids were just entering 9th grade when i first met and taught them. i cannot believe they are done. that class always held a very special place in my heart, so its sad to think they're moving on into the world. i am so so excited for them, because i remember how wide open the world felt when i graduated. but in a sense, they're still that goofy class i had my first year. don't get me wrong, they have grown tremendously. i am so proud of the people they have become, but it is bittersweet to think that they have accomplished all they could at grace, and are now ready for the next stage of life. i will always remember the funny things they said, how they were going to buy me a pair of etnies (as if i'd ever wear them...but it never happened) how i told zach and ronald i'd give them an A in science for the rest of their high school careers if they build a working 100-yard teeter totter (and they acutlaly thought it might work), how they NEVER let me live down the fact that we didn't do rube goldberg projects their freshman year, singing the 12 cranial nerve song with then 2 years in a row, the molympics (on october 23 hehe), how they used to beg me to call my brother during class because they thought he was hilarious even having never met him, how i'd look up, and the whole class would be smiling at some inside joke they were playing on me, how they talked about their previous science teacher mr faust (to the point where there was a class rule that they could only say his name twice per day!), girl talk time (gtt) with the girls, and how the boys all wrote me goodbye letters when i told them i was moving and wouldn't be around their senior year. i saved those, and the letters from the girls as well in my "never ever ever throw away" box.
i clearly remember telling them last may that i'd be going to grad school and not returning to grace, and looked up from the letter i was reading from, to see a room full of teary eyes. i completely lost it, because they were (and still are) such a blessing in my life. not a day went by that i didn't laugh with that class, and not a day goes by now that i don't miss teaching. . i loved being their teacher, i miss seeing them and laughing with them every day, and i wish them all the best. so alli, kristyn, kristen, mel, sarah, steph, jess, ron, easton, nate, rick, if you happen upon this and read it, know that i have complete confidence that God will use you to do great things in this life...and i'll be cheering you on! i love you all.
also started psychopathology and am actually looking forward to it. i think we're going to learn tons, and i have a renewed resolve to make the most of each class. i think i slacked off too much last semester and, i am honestly ashamed to say, slid by wiht the bare minimum in a class or two. there were reasons, but they're not good ones.
a friend asked me to burn a copy of the alison krauss/gillian welch version of "i'll fly away." which the prompted me to dig out some nickel creek. which i am now OBSESSED with. like, can't stop listening to it. i wonder if my brother will find this music choice acceptable. doubtful.
i mustered up enough willpower to drag my sorry self down tot he gym for 30 minutes tonight. and THEN i dropped my key in the grass. in the dark. awesome. so i borrowed a flashlight from a neighbor and rooted around the lawn on my hands a knees for what felt like 10 minutes. it was probably more liek 2 and a half. but it was an event. what a life i lead sometimes.
ok, now bear with me.
today was the last day for gcs seniors...when i was teaching the last day for seniors was always a bittersweet kind of day. but, these kids were just entering 9th grade when i first met and taught them. i cannot believe they are done. that class always held a very special place in my heart, so its sad to think they're moving on into the world. i am so so excited for them, because i remember how wide open the world felt when i graduated. but in a sense, they're still that goofy class i had my first year. don't get me wrong, they have grown tremendously. i am so proud of the people they have become, but it is bittersweet to think that they have accomplished all they could at grace, and are now ready for the next stage of life. i will always remember the funny things they said, how they were going to buy me a pair of etnies (as if i'd ever wear them...but it never happened) how i told zach and ronald i'd give them an A in science for the rest of their high school careers if they build a working 100-yard teeter totter (and they acutlaly thought it might work), how they NEVER let me live down the fact that we didn't do rube goldberg projects their freshman year, singing the 12 cranial nerve song with then 2 years in a row, the molympics (on october 23 hehe), how they used to beg me to call my brother during class because they thought he was hilarious even having never met him, how i'd look up, and the whole class would be smiling at some inside joke they were playing on me, how they talked about their previous science teacher mr faust (to the point where there was a class rule that they could only say his name twice per day!), girl talk time (gtt) with the girls, and how the boys all wrote me goodbye letters when i told them i was moving and wouldn't be around their senior year. i saved those, and the letters from the girls as well in my "never ever ever throw away" box.
i clearly remember telling them last may that i'd be going to grad school and not returning to grace, and looked up from the letter i was reading from, to see a room full of teary eyes. i completely lost it, because they were (and still are) such a blessing in my life. not a day went by that i didn't laugh with that class, and not a day goes by now that i don't miss teaching. . i loved being their teacher, i miss seeing them and laughing with them every day, and i wish them all the best. so alli, kristyn, kristen, mel, sarah, steph, jess, ron, easton, nate, rick, if you happen upon this and read it, know that i have complete confidence that God will use you to do great things in this life...and i'll be cheering you on! i love you all.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
new books.
ugh. i just made a duplicate order on half.com, and now i am the proud owner (or soon-to-be) of "modern psychopathologies: a comprehensive christian approach." THANK GOODNESS. i am sure i will need both copies. i am so awesome. actually, do you ever have this type of experience: where at the very moment you press "place my order" or "send" etc, you realize "NOOOOO that's not what i want to do." i have, more often than i care to admit. and much more often than is convenient. love that.
anyway. in other news, i got a new planner, which is very exciting for me. i cannot get through my day without my planner. it's one of those things that i will actually turn around for if i forget it at home. anyhow, i spent most of my day subbing on friday transferring events and appointments from my old planner to my new planner. it was a big day, guys. a big day.
so i had a lovely trip up north for 2 days this weekend. mostly for mothers' day, but i also got to see some wonderful friends, who i miss dearly. [leisa, it was GREAT to see you and walk around st joe in the dark]. it was so nice to be home, but also good to be back in indy. this semester is going to be quite a ride, but lots of good experience so there's that.
i've nice and caffeinated right now, so i am going to harness the jitters and get some stuff done before i go to bed tonight. like, watching celebrity apprentice, unpacking, reading, and writing a paper that's due before my first psychopathology class. it will be real.
and finally, i passed a billboard today in central indiana: "we put the hospital in hospitality." that has GOT to be the WORST marketing idea, EVER. your thoughts?
anyway. in other news, i got a new planner, which is very exciting for me. i cannot get through my day without my planner. it's one of those things that i will actually turn around for if i forget it at home. anyhow, i spent most of my day subbing on friday transferring events and appointments from my old planner to my new planner. it was a big day, guys. a big day.
so i had a lovely trip up north for 2 days this weekend. mostly for mothers' day, but i also got to see some wonderful friends, who i miss dearly. [leisa, it was GREAT to see you and walk around st joe in the dark]. it was so nice to be home, but also good to be back in indy. this semester is going to be quite a ride, but lots of good experience so there's that.
i've nice and caffeinated right now, so i am going to harness the jitters and get some stuff done before i go to bed tonight. like, watching celebrity apprentice, unpacking, reading, and writing a paper that's due before my first psychopathology class. it will be real.
and finally, i passed a billboard today in central indiana: "we put the hospital in hospitality." that has GOT to be the WORST marketing idea, EVER. your thoughts?
Monday, May 4, 2009
gross negligence.
but really, would we expect anything else? i am so sorry, faithful readers and cyber sidekicks for not updating more during the lovely month of april. it was a rollercoaster ride, but i think things have calmed down and life is getting better. little by little. i do this every spring--get very impatient with life and feel like i need to make things happen rather than just let life happen. i have alluded to this before, so i'm going to stop there and give you the highlights of my last-few-weeks.
first of all, i survived the oneamericaindianapolis500festivalminimarathon2009. heck. yes. i also ran it in a personal best time, which was especially impressive to me because i felt rather unprepared, and i had eaten lots of junk food in the days prior. many of you know that i work out with my grandpa every thursday. he's kind of become a self-appointed coach, and he likes to tell me how fast (or slow) i'm going on any given thursday. usually the latter. as i already told you, he voiced his concern that i'd either kill myself or bring shame to the family name during the race, due to my lazy training. no fear, patriarch. i not only survived, i finished in 10009th place. how about THAT for upholding family honor?...win-win.
oooh, and then, i went to the original pancake house with the family for a post race celebration, where i ate a large percentage of the largest and most wonderful german pancake you could possible imagine. lemon and powdered sugar. i probably consumed whatever calorie deficit i had so carefully generated during the 13.1. was it worth it? absolutely it was. however, i hit the gym tonight, still pretty achy, but i have an appointment with a personal trainer in the morning. it was a free gimmick by a local gym, but it worked and i go in tomorrow, and i will hear all about how bad my balance is, how i dont' do enough strength training, how i do eat too much sugar, etc. but i'll rock their socks off in the endurance portion. and then i'll find out my body fat percentage. yowzers.
anyway, as you all may know, the whole swine flu mania has gotten slightly our of hand. especially since it doesn't seem that the symptoms are all that bad. but whatever, people are freaking out. so i sneezed twice in the starting corrals at the race and this big burly guy in front of me turned around and was like" you better watch it, they might cancel the race if they hear much more of that," he was only joking, you guys.
second of all, can i tell you how much i love the indianapolis zoo? a lot, that's how much. i went a few weeks ago with my friend kelly and we had all sorts of fun. i am now a proud zoo member as well, and i can bring a guest for free. so, if you're in town this summer, that is what we will be doing. going to the zoo. and hitting up the dolphin show. a good time will be had by all.
third, i had about 9 days off of school between spring and summer semester, and i've had lots of along time to think and read. i've spent a few days at the central branch of the library downtown. one of my all time favorite places in the city. you must go sometime. and if you especially like libraries, it's worth a trip downtown even if you're just passing through.
i'm looking forward to my summer classes--including practicum where i'll see real live clients. i thought i'd be scared, but i'm actually very excited and ready to go. i don't feel prepared in the least, but it's during these experiences that we learn the most. it will be an adventure.
t-minus one month till it could perhaps be warm enough to go to the beach, and dare i dream, stick my toe in lake michigan. i cannot describe to you the immense sadness i have when i think about this summer and being so far from the lake. i'll miss spending looooong days there with good people, attempting to play volleball, walking on the pier, running downtown, getting creeped out by creepy guy on the beach, and frequenting caffe tosi and downtown st. joe. i had it very very good the last 3 years. summertime in indy will be a new adventure and i hope to find some places that will come to mean as much to me as grand mere and the north pier, but for now, i'm sad that i'll miss out on summer life in sw michigan. (and can you believe this...it will be the first summer in 11 years that i don't work for calderwood farms. since 1998. whew.)
lately levi has been hanging outside on his patio swing and usually calls out "hi. what's your name," everytime he hears me leave our building. so i go and hang out with him sometimes when i have the time. we've gone on some walks the past few weeks. and it is utterly adorable. we talk about things like shivering, flipflops, outer space, rollerblades, and windchimes. it's a wide and eclectic base. he is absolutely precious.
and finally, beth was here for 4 days, and it was so good to just hang out and spend time with her. kind of like the old days because there was lots of coffee, several crossword puzzles, and a good deal of running involved. we also saw some indianapolis sights, and i can't imagine why she WOULDN'T want to pack up her life in DC and move here asap. can you? there are all sorts of things in indiana that need to be archived. for real.
taking a short jaunt north to the pleasant peninsula later this week for mothers day. then a couple more short trips later in may. i'll try to get back up there once or twice in june and once or twice in july to bask in the sun on the sandy shores of lake michigan. but other than that, i am looking forward to my summer in indy. i might be moving out of my apartment in august---there's a possibility of living wiht some girls in a house in a cute little part of town a few miles away from here. there are definite advantages to having my own place, but it's more expensive and more lonely than having roommates. i could use the money and company, so we'll see what happens there.
sooooo, i believe that about wraps up my life the last few weeks. there's more of course, this is the readers digest version. relevant. heartwarming. abridged. so now, a throwback to junior high. upon wrapping up a note:
stay sweet
but really...
love to all and happy springtime :)
first of all, i survived the oneamericaindianapolis500festivalminimarathon2009. heck. yes. i also ran it in a personal best time, which was especially impressive to me because i felt rather unprepared, and i had eaten lots of junk food in the days prior. many of you know that i work out with my grandpa every thursday. he's kind of become a self-appointed coach, and he likes to tell me how fast (or slow) i'm going on any given thursday. usually the latter. as i already told you, he voiced his concern that i'd either kill myself or bring shame to the family name during the race, due to my lazy training. no fear, patriarch. i not only survived, i finished in 10009th place. how about THAT for upholding family honor?...win-win.
oooh, and then, i went to the original pancake house with the family for a post race celebration, where i ate a large percentage of the largest and most wonderful german pancake you could possible imagine. lemon and powdered sugar. i probably consumed whatever calorie deficit i had so carefully generated during the 13.1. was it worth it? absolutely it was. however, i hit the gym tonight, still pretty achy, but i have an appointment with a personal trainer in the morning. it was a free gimmick by a local gym, but it worked and i go in tomorrow, and i will hear all about how bad my balance is, how i dont' do enough strength training, how i do eat too much sugar, etc. but i'll rock their socks off in the endurance portion. and then i'll find out my body fat percentage. yowzers.
anyway, as you all may know, the whole swine flu mania has gotten slightly our of hand. especially since it doesn't seem that the symptoms are all that bad. but whatever, people are freaking out. so i sneezed twice in the starting corrals at the race and this big burly guy in front of me turned around and was like" you better watch it, they might cancel the race if they hear much more of that," he was only joking, you guys.
second of all, can i tell you how much i love the indianapolis zoo? a lot, that's how much. i went a few weeks ago with my friend kelly and we had all sorts of fun. i am now a proud zoo member as well, and i can bring a guest for free. so, if you're in town this summer, that is what we will be doing. going to the zoo. and hitting up the dolphin show. a good time will be had by all.
third, i had about 9 days off of school between spring and summer semester, and i've had lots of along time to think and read. i've spent a few days at the central branch of the library downtown. one of my all time favorite places in the city. you must go sometime. and if you especially like libraries, it's worth a trip downtown even if you're just passing through.
i'm looking forward to my summer classes--including practicum where i'll see real live clients. i thought i'd be scared, but i'm actually very excited and ready to go. i don't feel prepared in the least, but it's during these experiences that we learn the most. it will be an adventure.
t-minus one month till it could perhaps be warm enough to go to the beach, and dare i dream, stick my toe in lake michigan. i cannot describe to you the immense sadness i have when i think about this summer and being so far from the lake. i'll miss spending looooong days there with good people, attempting to play volleball, walking on the pier, running downtown, getting creeped out by creepy guy on the beach, and frequenting caffe tosi and downtown st. joe. i had it very very good the last 3 years. summertime in indy will be a new adventure and i hope to find some places that will come to mean as much to me as grand mere and the north pier, but for now, i'm sad that i'll miss out on summer life in sw michigan. (and can you believe this...it will be the first summer in 11 years that i don't work for calderwood farms. since 1998. whew.)
lately levi has been hanging outside on his patio swing and usually calls out "hi. what's your name," everytime he hears me leave our building. so i go and hang out with him sometimes when i have the time. we've gone on some walks the past few weeks. and it is utterly adorable. we talk about things like shivering, flipflops, outer space, rollerblades, and windchimes. it's a wide and eclectic base. he is absolutely precious.
and finally, beth was here for 4 days, and it was so good to just hang out and spend time with her. kind of like the old days because there was lots of coffee, several crossword puzzles, and a good deal of running involved. we also saw some indianapolis sights, and i can't imagine why she WOULDN'T want to pack up her life in DC and move here asap. can you? there are all sorts of things in indiana that need to be archived. for real.
taking a short jaunt north to the pleasant peninsula later this week for mothers day. then a couple more short trips later in may. i'll try to get back up there once or twice in june and once or twice in july to bask in the sun on the sandy shores of lake michigan. but other than that, i am looking forward to my summer in indy. i might be moving out of my apartment in august---there's a possibility of living wiht some girls in a house in a cute little part of town a few miles away from here. there are definite advantages to having my own place, but it's more expensive and more lonely than having roommates. i could use the money and company, so we'll see what happens there.
sooooo, i believe that about wraps up my life the last few weeks. there's more of course, this is the readers digest version. relevant. heartwarming. abridged. so now, a throwback to junior high. upon wrapping up a note:
stay sweet
but really...
love to all and happy springtime :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
disco, and why i dont' like it
so it's tuesday night. jump around my friends, jump around. but here's the deal. i have 2 finals due tomorrow and one major paper that i've put off till .....drum roll.....tonight. [for all you mbti fans out there, that's because i'm a p.] anyway....i also did not go to our final evening with jay, gary, and the rest of the mighty mighty tens. so i'm not feeling nearly as self righteous as i usually do on my beloved tuesday nights. in fact, i'm sitting here watching the biggest loser and eating peanut butter chocolate eggs. awesome.
{my grandpa asked me the other day when i'm going to "ramp up the training" for the mini marathon. and then expressed his concern that i "might not be able to finish." to quote john q murphy and joe"i've been to space" jewel, and matt "were you just wearing a helmet, cause i couldnt' tell" pagel......thanks bud}
also, it's disco night on american idol. which i loathe. and also...adam lambert looks like one slick vampire. he can sing, btu he's so waily-screamy-self-indulgent that i can barely watch him (paula just had "visceral" response eeewwww) i was more into scott macintrye. the poor guy could barely sing, but he had heart i tell you. heart.
know why else i don't like disco? because on the crunch fat burning dance party workout, the disco segment [[eeeeww, i don't like that word]] was the worst one.
in other news, i am nearly 2/5 done with my graduate program. i cannot tell you how quickly this year of my life has gone. i am looking forward to some down time later this week--hopefully will get away for a day to think and pray and process this past year. it has been quite a ride.
{my grandpa asked me the other day when i'm going to "ramp up the training" for the mini marathon. and then expressed his concern that i "might not be able to finish." to quote john q murphy and joe"i've been to space" jewel, and matt "were you just wearing a helmet, cause i couldnt' tell" pagel......thanks bud}
also, it's disco night on american idol. which i loathe. and also...adam lambert looks like one slick vampire. he can sing, btu he's so waily-screamy-self-indulgent that i can barely watch him (paula just had "visceral" response eeewwww) i was more into scott macintrye. the poor guy could barely sing, but he had heart i tell you. heart.
know why else i don't like disco? because on the crunch fat burning dance party workout, the disco segment [[eeeeww, i don't like that word]] was the worst one.
in other news, i am nearly 2/5 done with my graduate program. i cannot tell you how quickly this year of my life has gone. i am looking forward to some down time later this week--hopefully will get away for a day to think and pray and process this past year. it has been quite a ride.
Friday, April 17, 2009
psalm 90:12
it's been a hard week. like a rollercoaster. up and down. joy, belonging, sadness, aloneness. actually, it's been more than a week, which maybe explains why i've not been in the blogging spirit.
the upshot of everything lately has brought me to pray this prayer daily, sometimes hourly:
in saying that prayer, i am admitting that i have lived neither wisely nor well. i have spent many days, weeks, etc.... pursing things that are fleeting and eventually meaningless. recognizing your own shortcomings is always a growing process, especially when you're someone who prides herself on having it all together. so admitting brokenness is painful, but it paves the way for growing. and that is exciting. i struggle daily to be content and not complacent. fine line to walk. it is a process, my friends. exactly what i needed, and god is good
the upshot of everything lately has brought me to pray this prayer daily, sometimes hourly:
teach me to live well. teach me to live wisely and well.
in saying that prayer, i am admitting that i have lived neither wisely nor well. i have spent many days, weeks, etc.... pursing things that are fleeting and eventually meaningless. recognizing your own shortcomings is always a growing process, especially when you're someone who prides herself on having it all together. so admitting brokenness is painful, but it paves the way for growing. and that is exciting. i struggle daily to be content and not complacent. fine line to walk. it is a process, my friends. exactly what i needed, and god is good
"this is good," she answered. "the broken places tell me i am alive, and now i feel. some growth has been pruned, but new growth is coming"
Saturday, April 11, 2009
a brief history of time
goooooood morning! i just realized that i have been totally lax in updating. not that there aren't good things to write about, it's just that nothing in my day is begging to be blogged about.
so i came home a few days early for easter weekend for a little quality time with jeff and sue. however, they just got back from israel and are a little jet lagged, so they're both passed out on the couch by 8:40 pm. thus, i've mostly played free cell and watched trash tv. you know how it goes.
i bet you're all dying to hear the latest installment of "conversations with my brother." this was a pretty good one. ok, first of all, he and i are both known to our family and respective friends for never answering our phones. i feel like i have a good excuse--i usually have it on silent so it doesn't bug others. jeff never answers and then lets his inbox get full so even if one wanted to contact him, he/she wouldn't be able to leave a message. all part of the grand design, i suppose. ANYWAY, i finally did get ahold of him the other day. and the conversation went something like this. {background....jeff is dedicated to his workout routine, which consists of doing a flavor of the month workout video in his living room. in spandex...}
Lib: Hey bro, long time no talk. what do you have a phone for if you never answer it??
JT: Look who's talking.
Lib: so what's new?
JT: aaaah, not much. i'm still working out to P90X {editor's note: p90X is some workout system he ordered off an infomercial}
Lib: nice.
JT: yeah, i've been at it for about 4 weeks
Lib: congratulations. um, question....what exactly would one wear when doing p90X?
JT: i'll give you three guesses
Lib: I think i only need one. spandex pants?
JT. well yeah {as if this is simply a GIVEN} but which ones?
Lib: uh.... {furiously and actively blocking the mental images}
JT: under armor, or the ones that feel like a little girl's leotard?
....and that, my friends, was the last conversation i had with my one and only brother. rather sweet and tender, dont' you think?
in other news, i got a pedicure and i have the most hot pink toes i've ever seen. did not realize my toes would look like fluorescent dinosaur claws when i made that move.
speaking of....do you remember neon colored crayons in elementary school? they saw their hayday in the early nineties? well, one year i refused to let my mom buy me any non-neon colored school supplies. so i went all of 4th grade with neon crayons and colored pencils. made for some interesting art projects. i distinctly remember coloring an octopus with hot pink and neon yellow. class act.
so i came home a few days early for easter weekend for a little quality time with jeff and sue. however, they just got back from israel and are a little jet lagged, so they're both passed out on the couch by 8:40 pm. thus, i've mostly played free cell and watched trash tv. you know how it goes.
i bet you're all dying to hear the latest installment of "conversations with my brother." this was a pretty good one. ok, first of all, he and i are both known to our family and respective friends for never answering our phones. i feel like i have a good excuse--i usually have it on silent so it doesn't bug others. jeff never answers and then lets his inbox get full so even if one wanted to contact him, he/she wouldn't be able to leave a message. all part of the grand design, i suppose. ANYWAY, i finally did get ahold of him the other day. and the conversation went something like this. {background....jeff is dedicated to his workout routine, which consists of doing a flavor of the month workout video in his living room. in spandex...}
Lib: Hey bro, long time no talk. what do you have a phone for if you never answer it??
JT: Look who's talking.
Lib: so what's new?
JT: aaaah, not much. i'm still working out to P90X {editor's note: p90X is some workout system he ordered off an infomercial}
Lib: nice.
JT: yeah, i've been at it for about 4 weeks
Lib: congratulations. um, question....what exactly would one wear when doing p90X?
JT: i'll give you three guesses
Lib: I think i only need one. spandex pants?
JT. well yeah {as if this is simply a GIVEN} but which ones?
Lib: uh.... {furiously and actively blocking the mental images}
JT: under armor, or the ones that feel like a little girl's leotard?
....and that, my friends, was the last conversation i had with my one and only brother. rather sweet and tender, dont' you think?
in other news, i got a pedicure and i have the most hot pink toes i've ever seen. did not realize my toes would look like fluorescent dinosaur claws when i made that move.
speaking of....do you remember neon colored crayons in elementary school? they saw their hayday in the early nineties? well, one year i refused to let my mom buy me any non-neon colored school supplies. so i went all of 4th grade with neon crayons and colored pencils. made for some interesting art projects. i distinctly remember coloring an octopus with hot pink and neon yellow. class act.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
{this is for my calvin friends.}
you will NEVER guess what i saw at the mall...
a DVD...
for kids...
about a boy....
who's 8 years old....
can you believe it?!?!?!?!?!
you will NEVER guess what i saw at the mall...
a DVD...
for kids...
about a boy....
who's 8 years old....
can you believe it?!?!?!?!?!
so i broke down and went tanning this week. which could be a post in and of itself. it's a waste of money and bad for my skin. i know this. however, i need color STAT. and this is the longest i've held off before giving in since about 2003. so--progress.
however, there are these signs all over the tanning place that say "use lotion...it attracks light to your skin." ...."attracks"? seriously? did the red squiggle line not show up under that one before they printed it off? here's the sad part...i was reading the sign over and over, thinking "something's not right." it took me a full minute to figure out what it was.
why that's important enough to write on here you ask? i have no idea. i have been really annoyed with grammar and spelling errors lately. for instance...
friends are not "apart" of your family. they are "a part" of your family.
i will update you on how my weekend went. friday night i went to a comedy club with friends from school. have not laughed that hard in a loooooong time. i think we all left with sore face muscles having laughed so much. greg morton. google him. he spent the first full 5 minutes talking about underwear, which makes everyone giggle. don't deny it. one of these days i'll figure out how to post audio files and you can listen to the song my brother wrote for me. it was an honor. but i digress.
saturday i had class most of the day--came home, talked to my bff beth for a while and worked out. went for a walk and went to the mall. spent too much money but got my dad a birthday gift. this morning, went to church and then out to lunch with my grandparents. i have to do a cultural narrative project for one of my classes, and my grandparents and uncle have been extremely helpful with giving me family trees, family pictures, and stories about when the templetons crossed the pond. but the BIG news is that i'm related to king charlemagne. so you may call me princess. [i thought this was pretty cool. and it still is, but i bet about 1/2 of the world is related to a king somewhere down the line]. i also satrted the daunting task of cleaning out my closet and starting a goodwill box. too much junk!!! anyway, i'm at home now, lounging around, feeling pretty good about myself for eating an egg-white spinach omelet and blueberry lowfat yogurt for dinner. which balances out the dozens of cookies i've consumed in the past week. need to hit the treadmill hard tonight if i'm going to make a respectable showing in the mini marathon.
first step would be to get off the couch.
ok so i've blasted indy enough on here (even though i LOVE living here)--i will now give the city a collective compliment. while you have short memories and don't know how to deal with, or drive in, snow, i will say that you're all pretty brave when it comes to other forms of severe weather such as tornados. tornado warnings are waaaaay more common here than i'm comfortable with, but everyone here is so brave about it. i am impressed. i will be spending half the spring in the bathtub [safest place in absence of a basement]. kind of like stephanie in full house when she moves of the room she shares with dj.
anyone? anyone?
have a great week. i for one, will be skipping town in 3 short days! really glad to be going home for a looooong weekend!
however, there are these signs all over the tanning place that say "use lotion...it attracks light to your skin." ...."attracks"? seriously? did the red squiggle line not show up under that one before they printed it off? here's the sad part...i was reading the sign over and over, thinking "something's not right." it took me a full minute to figure out what it was.
why that's important enough to write on here you ask? i have no idea. i have been really annoyed with grammar and spelling errors lately. for instance...
friends are not "apart" of your family. they are "a part" of your family.
i will update you on how my weekend went. friday night i went to a comedy club with friends from school. have not laughed that hard in a loooooong time. i think we all left with sore face muscles having laughed so much. greg morton. google him. he spent the first full 5 minutes talking about underwear, which makes everyone giggle. don't deny it. one of these days i'll figure out how to post audio files and you can listen to the song my brother wrote for me. it was an honor. but i digress.
saturday i had class most of the day--came home, talked to my bff beth for a while and worked out. went for a walk and went to the mall. spent too much money but got my dad a birthday gift. this morning, went to church and then out to lunch with my grandparents. i have to do a cultural narrative project for one of my classes, and my grandparents and uncle have been extremely helpful with giving me family trees, family pictures, and stories about when the templetons crossed the pond. but the BIG news is that i'm related to king charlemagne. so you may call me princess. [i thought this was pretty cool. and it still is, but i bet about 1/2 of the world is related to a king somewhere down the line]. i also satrted the daunting task of cleaning out my closet and starting a goodwill box. too much junk!!! anyway, i'm at home now, lounging around, feeling pretty good about myself for eating an egg-white spinach omelet and blueberry lowfat yogurt for dinner. which balances out the dozens of cookies i've consumed in the past week. need to hit the treadmill hard tonight if i'm going to make a respectable showing in the mini marathon.
first step would be to get off the couch.
ok so i've blasted indy enough on here (even though i LOVE living here)--i will now give the city a collective compliment. while you have short memories and don't know how to deal with, or drive in, snow, i will say that you're all pretty brave when it comes to other forms of severe weather such as tornados. tornado warnings are waaaaay more common here than i'm comfortable with, but everyone here is so brave about it. i am impressed. i will be spending half the spring in the bathtub [safest place in absence of a basement]. kind of like stephanie in full house when she moves of the room she shares with dj.
anyone? anyone?
have a great week. i for one, will be skipping town in 3 short days! really glad to be going home for a looooong weekend!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
dollar says we hear the bird in the grill story today
soo i'm sitting in class, listening to danny p/prof poff tell the same stories that we heard LAST CLASS (allison, you're not missing much). i will LOSE IT if we do in fact hear the bird in the grill story again today, as kristina has already predicted.
write THAT down, my friends.
i'll update in a few hours
first of all, we did NOT hear the bird in the grill story (prof poff has told this story just about every other class--every time like it's the first.)
but i did get my emotional intelligence test back today, and i am not emotionally unintelligent. so that was good news, because i would feel ridiculous if i had scored badly. given my future career and all.
write THAT down, my friends.
i'll update in a few hours
first of all, we did NOT hear the bird in the grill story (prof poff has told this story just about every other class--every time like it's the first.)
but i did get my emotional intelligence test back today, and i am not emotionally unintelligent. so that was good news, because i would feel ridiculous if i had scored badly. given my future career and all.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
alive and well
i know, you were wondering, right? i apologize for keeping you all on the edge of your seat, wondering--how is lib's week going? (not bad) has she seen any more strange things on wheels? (YES! the smart car.), did she FINALLY learn her neighbor's name? (Teresa) Is she just a little bit sad that ER is over as of tonight even though she hasn't watched it since her college days (absolutely she is) Did she see some lady at Target with springs built into the heels of her shoes (YES! wasn't that Ca-razy??) Did she skip out on running club just because of the rain (not proud of it, but yes)
And THAT about sums up my week. i am alive and doing well, but i've been terrible at updating this.
um, your thoughts on black nail polish? i am kind of a fan, i must admit.
.....the half marathon is exactly one month away. INTENSE. and i'm not talking about my camping trip
[ (c) JP. ]
And THAT about sums up my week. i am alive and doing well, but i've been terrible at updating this.
um, your thoughts on black nail polish? i am kind of a fan, i must admit.
.....the half marathon is exactly one month away. INTENSE. and i'm not talking about my camping trip
[ (c) JP. ]
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
...i am so ronery.
sitting all alone here in class. i won't mention any NAMES, however...
you know who you are.
but whatever.
sitting all alone here in class. i won't mention any NAMES, however...
you know who you are.
but whatever.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
which do you want first...the good news or the reeeeally good news?
awesome. the good news is that, for the firt time EVER, i am getting a tax refund from the state of michigan.
the reallllly good news is that i'm getting the biggest federal refund i've ever gotten. even though i made less in 2008 than i have since 2004. if it weren't for the thousands i will owe when i graduate, this full-time student gig would be quite a bargain.
with my newfound millions, i will be taking a trip this spring or summer. i'm not talking about a trip to the water park (although i still want to do that)--i'm talking about a trip that requires a plane ticket and results in several days lounging on a beach somewhere. mmmmhmmm...
i. love. tax season!!!!!
the reallllly good news is that i'm getting the biggest federal refund i've ever gotten. even though i made less in 2008 than i have since 2004. if it weren't for the thousands i will owe when i graduate, this full-time student gig would be quite a bargain.
with my newfound millions, i will be taking a trip this spring or summer. i'm not talking about a trip to the water park (although i still want to do that)--i'm talking about a trip that requires a plane ticket and results in several days lounging on a beach somewhere. mmmmhmmm...
i. love. tax season!!!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
strange things seen on wheels
you may remember that i have a crazy-cat-lady type neighbor. (you may also remember that my biggest fear--and i mean, my BIGGEST fear in life is to end up living in a an old farmhouse with 17 cats. alone) anyway, this neighbor embodies all that i hope NEVER to be. i mean she's really nice, but she's got some issues. one of them being she thinks that i'm 2 people (she has asked me twice about why my "roommate" wears shorts in the windter. and then i explain that she's actually referring to me, and i wear shorts i the winter because i run on the treadmill down the street.) and she's crazy-cat-ladyesque. only she has a dog rather than a cat. and she named the dog mandy rose. mandy rose is old and can barely make it down the hallway to go outside. well, i was driving down my road yesterday, and saw my neighbor (i still don't know her name) pushing a stroller...containing mandy rose. wow.
and THEN i went for a bike ride and there was definitely a man in a power wheelchair riding down college avenue...right in the middle of the lane. and college ave is a relatively well-traveled thoroughfare. he was going all of 5 miles per hour, and the funny thing was that cars weren't even passing him. it was like they were playing follow the leader.
my brother thinks that indianapolis is full of nerds and others who are socially-inept or awkward. and this is probably furthering his stereotype. thats the risk i take in reporting kaditlolii ("a day in the life of libby in indy"...the k is silent)
and last, speaking of wheels, and for your monday morning pleasure, here's a joke for you...
what's green and has wheels?
GRASS (ok, so i lied about the wheels)
ps, cedric's birthday is april 6...or so becca tells me. more on THAT in a few weeks. i CAN'T WAIT!!!
and THEN i went for a bike ride and there was definitely a man in a power wheelchair riding down college avenue...right in the middle of the lane. and college ave is a relatively well-traveled thoroughfare. he was going all of 5 miles per hour, and the funny thing was that cars weren't even passing him. it was like they were playing follow the leader.
my brother thinks that indianapolis is full of nerds and others who are socially-inept or awkward. and this is probably furthering his stereotype. thats the risk i take in reporting kaditlolii ("a day in the life of libby in indy"...the k is silent)
and last, speaking of wheels, and for your monday morning pleasure, here's a joke for you...
what's green and has wheels?
GRASS (ok, so i lied about the wheels)
ps, cedric's birthday is april 6...or so becca tells me. more on THAT in a few weeks. i CAN'T WAIT!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
hey kathy, how was LA?
just wondering....hope you're having a good spring break. purdue is kind to their students, and gives them spring break at least bordering on the actual season of spring. iwu spring break begins in the most desolate month of the year--february. who thought that up!??
do you ever have a really good day, so good that the following day is sure to be a disappointment? maybe that's pessimistic, but yesterday was really fun and today it's totally back to the grind, and on top of that, i have this huge project hanging over my head that's due on wednesday. ugh. i am giving myself exactly 16 more minutes to waste time, and then....THEN i will impress myself with my internal motivation and dedication to the task at hand.
i got to see my brother yesterday. all you faithful blog readers out there will know that jeff is seriously the most hilarious person i know. i don't know if that's because i was raised with him and our individual senses of humor evolved together, or if he indeed is the actual most funny person in this world. it's hard to say. it's really incalculable. anyway, yesterday he did not disappoint. barrel of laughs, that's my brother. i would totally recap for you, but his humor is rather juvenile and i don't want you to think less of me. vanity > perpetuation of humor.
can i tell you one more story about this week? awesome. so, my friend allison (of running club fame, among other things) turned to me in class the other day and said "i really want a sugar glider." and since i'm normal, i didn't know what a sugar glider was. so she found a picture of one online and showed it to me. these things are like really small squirrels that can apparently "fly" short distances. anyway, the conversaion went something like this:
Allison: " I really want a sugar glider"
Me: "um, never heard of THAT"
Me: "That thing is hideous."
Allison: "It's a marsupial."
AS IF its identity as a marsupial is enough to override its appearance. no thank you.
16 minutes is up but before i go, here's a blast from the past. with spanish subtitles. so, win-win.
(i don't know how to embed videos, but try it, you'll like it)
do you ever have a really good day, so good that the following day is sure to be a disappointment? maybe that's pessimistic, but yesterday was really fun and today it's totally back to the grind, and on top of that, i have this huge project hanging over my head that's due on wednesday. ugh. i am giving myself exactly 16 more minutes to waste time, and then....THEN i will impress myself with my internal motivation and dedication to the task at hand.
i got to see my brother yesterday. all you faithful blog readers out there will know that jeff is seriously the most hilarious person i know. i don't know if that's because i was raised with him and our individual senses of humor evolved together, or if he indeed is the actual most funny person in this world. it's hard to say. it's really incalculable. anyway, yesterday he did not disappoint. barrel of laughs, that's my brother. i would totally recap for you, but his humor is rather juvenile and i don't want you to think less of me. vanity > perpetuation of humor.
can i tell you one more story about this week? awesome. so, my friend allison (of running club fame, among other things) turned to me in class the other day and said "i really want a sugar glider." and since i'm normal, i didn't know what a sugar glider was. so she found a picture of one online and showed it to me. these things are like really small squirrels that can apparently "fly" short distances. anyway, the conversaion went something like this:
Allison: " I really want a sugar glider"
Me: "um, never heard of THAT"
Me: "That thing is hideous."
Allison: "It's a marsupial."
AS IF its identity as a marsupial is enough to override its appearance. no thank you.
16 minutes is up but before i go, here's a blast from the past. with spanish subtitles. so, win-win.
(i don't know how to embed videos, but try it, you'll like it)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
note to self and others....and some thoughts on next halloween
today was rather nondescript until i got quite an education in my night class (thanks to allison for keeping me entertained throughout) and on my drive home (thanks to kristina, as you will see)
where shall we begin? how about this....i'll just summarize my thoughts here, in bullet form...
1. my piece of advice to a certain classmate who shall remain nameless....taoism is pronounced "dow-ism" not "tay-oh-ism" probably should look that one up BEFORE the presentation. i'm just passing on a bit of advice to my friends. no offense to the aforementioned anonymous classmate. just trying to prevent future mistakes. and hey, i'm a truthteller.
2. next halloween, i am totally wearing a shirt with lady stitched on the front(as in lady in the tramp) and allison is going to wear a shirt with the tramp on it (a picutre, not the word) embroidered on it...and THEN (And this is the kicker)...there's going to be a string that joins the two shirts (the spaghetti).
ok, so i bet you're not getting the visual. just trust me, it's going to be a-ma-zing. you will want to be there...you will want to be at that party.
3. um, if you're going to cite your sources in grad school, probably should just go ahead and leave off the reference for a GOOGLE SEARCH you did. in other words, google.com is not an acceptable source. seriously???
4. and finally, my friend kristina totally CUT ME OFF on the highway tonight. friendship severed.
however, no fears my friends, she called me 2 minutes later to apologize. friendship reinstated.
(and that was really sweet of her, but also just a wise PR move, as she would have heard ALL ABOUT it tomorrow. instead, i'll just inscribe it here for years to come in the blogosphere, which we all know is kind of a big deal. never underestimate the power of the blog.)
where shall we begin? how about this....i'll just summarize my thoughts here, in bullet form...
1. my piece of advice to a certain classmate who shall remain nameless....taoism is pronounced "dow-ism" not "tay-oh-ism" probably should look that one up BEFORE the presentation. i'm just passing on a bit of advice to my friends. no offense to the aforementioned anonymous classmate. just trying to prevent future mistakes. and hey, i'm a truthteller.
2. next halloween, i am totally wearing a shirt with lady stitched on the front(as in lady in the tramp) and allison is going to wear a shirt with the tramp on it (a picutre, not the word) embroidered on it...and THEN (And this is the kicker)...there's going to be a string that joins the two shirts (the spaghetti).
ok, so i bet you're not getting the visual. just trust me, it's going to be a-ma-zing. you will want to be there...you will want to be at that party.
3. um, if you're going to cite your sources in grad school, probably should just go ahead and leave off the reference for a GOOGLE SEARCH you did. in other words, google.com is not an acceptable source. seriously???
4. and finally, my friend kristina totally CUT ME OFF on the highway tonight. friendship severed.
however, no fears my friends, she called me 2 minutes later to apologize. friendship reinstated.
(and that was really sweet of her, but also just a wise PR move, as she would have heard ALL ABOUT it tomorrow. instead, i'll just inscribe it here for years to come in the blogosphere, which we all know is kind of a big deal. never underestimate the power of the blog.)
Monday, March 16, 2009
wow. was not expecting that
sooo, today i spent piano lesson #2 with my little buddy levi (the four year old who's blind--told you about him last week). anyway, i said "hey levi, let's try an experiment," and then i proceeded to just play chords and ask him to tell me what notes i was playing. and he could do it! i played the c-major chord for instance, and he goes" that's a c chord. c-e-g"
it was eerie. keep in mind, he's 4 and, up until today had never even learned about chords. and now he knows every single chord, and can recognize them upon hearing them once. and then, and this is precious, he told me that the bells at his school are "F mixed with A". in other words, the bells at his school ring in F major apparently. or d minor. anyway, i wish you guys could be a fly on the wall when i'm there. it's unreal.
ok, if that was all lost on you, i apologize. but i am totally blown away by that kid.
in other news, i am totally NOT a fan of the new facebook setup. your thoughts?
that's all i've got, kidlins. i am trying to actually do school work (i have been slacking off with no excuse for the past 6 weeks or so)....and so i should get to work on one of two projects.
happy st. patricks day!
it was eerie. keep in mind, he's 4 and, up until today had never even learned about chords. and now he knows every single chord, and can recognize them upon hearing them once. and then, and this is precious, he told me that the bells at his school are "F mixed with A". in other words, the bells at his school ring in F major apparently. or d minor. anyway, i wish you guys could be a fly on the wall when i'm there. it's unreal.
ok, if that was all lost on you, i apologize. but i am totally blown away by that kid.
in other news, i am totally NOT a fan of the new facebook setup. your thoughts?
that's all i've got, kidlins. i am trying to actually do school work (i have been slacking off with no excuse for the past 6 weeks or so)....and so i should get to work on one of two projects.
happy st. patricks day!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
hello from the big mitten
i took a spur-of-the-moment trip home this weekend. i might tell the story later.
for now, i'll just say that it was a beautiful drive up, and really really good to see some old students and families at the gcs auction last night. stayed up late last night as my mom told hilarious stories about her school's "talent show auditions." one of the kids wanted to sing some song called "g spot" in the school's talent show. inappropriate. and sad. but really funny too.
and i am totally out of the loop when it comes to popular music, but please tell me that's NOT some mainstream r&b song that kids can hear on the radio. what, i ask, is this world coming to??
ooooh, my parents are taking me to silver beach pizza. jump around. my mom is driving so that my dad "doesn't have to spend his own money on gas." haha
for now, i'll just say that it was a beautiful drive up, and really really good to see some old students and families at the gcs auction last night. stayed up late last night as my mom told hilarious stories about her school's "talent show auditions." one of the kids wanted to sing some song called "g spot" in the school's talent show. inappropriate. and sad. but really funny too.
and i am totally out of the loop when it comes to popular music, but please tell me that's NOT some mainstream r&b song that kids can hear on the radio. what, i ask, is this world coming to??
ooooh, my parents are taking me to silver beach pizza. jump around. my mom is driving so that my dad "doesn't have to spend his own money on gas." haha
Thursday, March 12, 2009
this was kind of funny before. maybe not really now.
How much of that you cool with?
I just met a group of "Lutheran" double-predestinators/limited atoners and it was a little weir.d
(The orthodox Lutheran position is generally single predestination, which I realize is a contradiction to human minds, but, "the wisdom of God is foolishness to men" and all that.)
You left the chat by logging out or being disconnected.
ME: you are c=razy
and i'm in class, so we will have to discuss later
JOE: crazy??
You mean... theologically?
ME: no, more of on a personal level
JOE: or in that this is what I've chosen to discuss on my lunch break?
ah, well.
It's good to be loved.
ME: ha
you're welcome
JOE:I've also lately become fond of referring to things as "the error of Rome" if I find them too Papist and "the error of Geneva" if I find them too Calvinist.
It's sweet.
I suppose I could also say "the error of Constantinople" if I find things too... iconoclastic?
But frankly, how often does THAT come up??
ME: this is going on my blog, fyi
How much of that you cool with?
I just met a group of "Lutheran" double-predestinators/limited atoners and it was a little weir.d
(The orthodox Lutheran position is generally single predestination, which I realize is a contradiction to human minds, but, "the wisdom of God is foolishness to men" and all that.)
You left the chat by logging out or being disconnected.
ME: you are c=razy
and i'm in class, so we will have to discuss later
JOE: crazy??
You mean... theologically?
ME: no, more of on a personal level
JOE: or in that this is what I've chosen to discuss on my lunch break?
ah, well.
It's good to be loved.
ME: ha
you're welcome
JOE:I've also lately become fond of referring to things as "the error of Rome" if I find them too Papist and "the error of Geneva" if I find them too Calvinist.
It's sweet.
I suppose I could also say "the error of Constantinople" if I find things too... iconoclastic?
But frankly, how often does THAT come up??
ME: this is going on my blog, fyi
Monday, March 9, 2009
How DO blind people drive?
asked my brother, one sunny day in 1989. i think we had just watched an episode of the golden girls, and rose's blind sister joked about how she was going to go for a joyride. or something like that. so the wheels in jeff's head began turning (no steam was involved) and he will never live that one down.
HOWEVER, i just got a new piano student, and he my 5-year-old neighbor who happens to be blind. um, yikes--uncharted territory. i told his mom i would give it a shot, but also let her know that i have no idea how to teach blind children how to play the piano. especially since my knowledge of music theory is shady at best. he's an adorable little boy, and has always been really good when i've talked to him, but i guess he "doesn't like to follow directions." but honestly, what 5 year old does? so THAT's nothing new.
i just got two very sweet emails from wonderful friends, so my day has officially been made! EVEN IF i can't go to running club this week, EVEN IF i didn't iron my shirt this morning. it looked more acceptable in the dim closet light.
now for your reading enjoyment, I have taken the liberty of googling "golden girls theme song lyrics" and have posted them below. a complimentary trip down memory lane:
Thank You for Being a Friend by Andrew Gold - Golden Girls Lyrics
Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true your (sic) a pal and a confidant.
And if you through (sic) a party
Invited everyone you ever knew
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend.
--um, did anyone else notice the two incorrect homonym uses? come ON.
AND did anyone else note the sheer irony of the golden girls' theme song being written by a guy whose last name is GOLD? pretty sure that's not a coincidence. pretty sure that's DESTINY.

**sorry it's so pixellated. the price you pay to have blanche's face just a little bit bigger on your blog. alas**
HOWEVER, i just got a new piano student, and he my 5-year-old neighbor who happens to be blind. um, yikes--uncharted territory. i told his mom i would give it a shot, but also let her know that i have no idea how to teach blind children how to play the piano. especially since my knowledge of music theory is shady at best. he's an adorable little boy, and has always been really good when i've talked to him, but i guess he "doesn't like to follow directions." but honestly, what 5 year old does? so THAT's nothing new.
i just got two very sweet emails from wonderful friends, so my day has officially been made! EVEN IF i can't go to running club this week, EVEN IF i didn't iron my shirt this morning. it looked more acceptable in the dim closet light.
now for your reading enjoyment, I have taken the liberty of googling "golden girls theme song lyrics" and have posted them below. a complimentary trip down memory lane:
Thank You for Being a Friend by Andrew Gold - Golden Girls Lyrics
Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true your (sic) a pal and a confidant.
And if you through (sic) a party
Invited everyone you ever knew
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend.
--um, did anyone else notice the two incorrect homonym uses? come ON.
AND did anyone else note the sheer irony of the golden girls' theme song being written by a guy whose last name is GOLD? pretty sure that's not a coincidence. pretty sure that's DESTINY.

**sorry it's so pixellated. the price you pay to have blanche's face just a little bit bigger on your blog. alas**
Saturday, March 7, 2009
bubble: my favorite word. it just pops out of your mouth
it is not, however, my favorite movie. actually, it's not a movie at all. (bubble fans, hear me out)
beth once rented a film called bubble. she loved it, i did not. i once rented a movie called legally blond two: red white and blond. i loved it, she did not.
i know i've been lax in writing on here. hilarious stuff anyway (jk,tk). it's just that my life has been going on--nothing too exciting. even though every day spent with libby is an adventure, right? so i should have tons to say, but alas, i do not. i saw howie mandel the other day on tv for some new show he's in (like candid camera i think) anyway THAT made me wonder how many hours of my life i spent watching bobby's world when i was a kid. probably somewhere around 72. which means that there are approximately 3 days of my life that i will NEVER GET BACK.
now i could go around calculating things like that all day (once beth and i calculated how much time of our lives in high school would be spent in band, and it was something utterly ridiculous like 8.9%)....anyway, the reason i'm thinking in these terms is that i'm doing a bible study on ecclesiastes and the final chapter of the study book is called "life is short so live like you mean it." and i know that's just a catchy phrase the author used to sum up the end of ecclesiastes, but it really struck me. learning to live intentionally is a process and i feel like i've made some progress in that area, but i waste so much time on the inconsequential stuff in life. this idea is one that i've been thinking about a lot--how can i live in ways that will be meaningful to others, abandon the selfishness and sloth that can fill my day if i let it, and do things that matter. THAT, my friends is a huge question, and i'm not sure there is AN answer. but there's certainly room to grow.
hubris=excessive pride. always the tragic flaw
just something to think about
(c) bgp
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