Sunday, May 10, 2009

new books.

ugh. i just made a duplicate order on, and now i am the proud owner (or soon-to-be) of "modern psychopathologies: a comprehensive christian approach." THANK GOODNESS. i am sure i will need both copies. i am so awesome. actually, do you ever have this type of experience: where at the very moment you press "place my order" or "send" etc, you realize "NOOOOO that's not what i want to do." i have, more often than i care to admit. and much more often than is convenient. love that.

anyway. in other news, i got a new planner, which is very exciting for me. i cannot get through my day without my planner. it's one of those things that i will actually turn around for if i forget it at home. anyhow, i spent most of my day subbing on friday transferring events and appointments from my old planner to my new planner. it was a big day, guys. a big day.

so i had a lovely trip up north for 2 days this weekend. mostly for mothers' day, but i also got to see some wonderful friends, who i miss dearly. [leisa, it was GREAT to see you and walk around st joe in the dark]. it was so nice to be home, but also good to be back in indy. this semester is going to be quite a ride, but lots of good experience so there's that.

i've nice and caffeinated right now, so i am going to harness the jitters and get some stuff done before i go to bed tonight. like, watching celebrity apprentice, unpacking, reading, and writing a paper that's due before my first psychopathology class. it will be real.

and finally, i passed a billboard today in central indiana: "we put the hospital in hospitality." that has GOT to be the WORST marketing idea, EVER. your thoughts?


  1. pretty sure i haven't ever accidentally ordered. But i'll close word and it says "Do you want to save" and i think ti says "do you really want to close" or something like that. And without reading it I click "yes" and I mean "no" and everything is gone. it's horrible

  2. right. and they call technology progress.
