Tuesday, April 21, 2009

disco, and why i dont' like it

so it's tuesday night. jump around my friends, jump around. but here's the deal. i have 2 finals due tomorrow and one major paper that i've put off till .....drum roll.....tonight. [for all you mbti fans out there, that's because i'm a p.] anyway....i also did not go to our final evening with jay, gary, and the rest of the mighty mighty tens. so i'm not feeling nearly as self righteous as i usually do on my beloved tuesday nights. in fact, i'm sitting here watching the biggest loser and eating peanut butter chocolate eggs. awesome.

{my grandpa asked me the other day when i'm going to "ramp up the training" for the mini marathon. and then expressed his concern that i "might not be able to finish." to quote john q murphy and joe"i've been to space" jewel, and matt "were you just wearing a helmet, cause i couldnt' tell" pagel......thanks bud}

also, it's disco night on american idol. which i loathe. and also...adam lambert looks like one slick vampire. he can sing, btu he's so waily-screamy-self-indulgent that i can barely watch him (paula just had "visceral" response eeewwww) i was more into scott macintrye. the poor guy could barely sing, but he had heart i tell you. heart.
know why else i don't like disco? because on the crunch fat burning dance party workout, the disco segment [[eeeeww, i don't like that word]] was the worst one.

in other news, i am nearly 2/5 done with my graduate program. i cannot tell you how quickly this year of my life has gone. i am looking forward to some down time later this week--hopefully will get away for a day to think and pray and process this past year. it has been quite a ride.


  1. No need to ramp it up, girl. You're already there. Shoot, you're going to win the whole thing. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Me, on the other hand...

    Congrats on the 2/5s!!

  2. Love the throw back helmet comment!

    if it makes you feel better, I ran less than a mile today... i just wasn't into it

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtA-FpTZOQw
