Sunday, June 7, 2009

my ipod is out of juice

and i lost my charging cord. this makes working out for any length of time especially difficult. blast.
so this weekend was filled with naps in the sunshine, homework, and family. my grandma was in the hospital all last week, and no one really decided to tell me this until thursday. anyway, my parents came down for the weekend to stay with her while my grandpa went to pennsylvania for his only brother's funeral. so it's been quite a week for them. it's sad to get old.

oooh, this will get all you children of the early brother has a reputation in our family for always having a year's supply of music for any and all car trips. this includes trips around town. we were taking the 15-minute drive to my aunt's house on the other side of indy, and he whips out a SHOEBOX full of CDs. we proceeded to listen to 7 of them on the short drive over. our musical selections included, but were not limited to kriss kross and mc hammer: jump and too legit to quit, respectively.

jeff was actually a proud cardholding member of the kriss kross fan club back in the mid nineties. he was, in other words, dessork and totally krossed out.

saturday was our annual CFA proctoring day of fun. that means we spent 8 hours watching aspiring young financial analysts take a high states exam. it is mindnumbing, but worth the paycheck. however, a day's worth of sitting still has done a number on my nearly 26-year old back. i am getting so totally old.

this semester is slowly but surely owning me...i must get back to work. friends, i am looking forward to our tentative summer plans to reuinite, whether it be in traverse city or on the beach somewhere in west michigan. you know who you are. can't wait!!!

1 comment:

  1. so sad ... I can't believe that we won't be taking part of any summer reunion with L.T. :(
