Sunday, March 22, 2009

hey kathy, how was LA?

just wondering....hope you're having a good spring break. purdue is kind to their students, and gives them spring break at least bordering on the actual season of spring. iwu spring break begins in the most desolate month of the year--february. who thought that up!??

do you ever have a really good day, so good that the following day is sure to be a disappointment? maybe that's pessimistic, but yesterday was really fun and today it's totally back to the grind, and on top of that, i have this huge project hanging over my head that's due on wednesday. ugh. i am giving myself exactly 16 more minutes to waste time, and then....THEN i will impress myself with my internal motivation and dedication to the task at hand.

i got to see my brother yesterday. all you faithful blog readers out there will know that jeff is seriously the most hilarious person i know. i don't know if that's because i was raised with him and our individual senses of humor evolved together, or if he indeed is the actual most funny person in this world. it's hard to say. it's really incalculable. anyway, yesterday he did not disappoint. barrel of laughs, that's my brother. i would totally recap for you, but his humor is rather juvenile and i don't want you to think less of me. vanity > perpetuation of humor.

can i tell you one more story about this week? awesome. so, my friend allison (of running club fame, among other things) turned to me in class the other day and said "i really want a sugar glider." and since i'm normal, i didn't know what a sugar glider was. so she found a picture of one online and showed it to me. these things are like really small squirrels that can apparently "fly" short distances. anyway, the conversaion went something like this:

Allison: " I really want a sugar glider"
Me: "um, never heard of THAT"

Me: "That thing is hideous."

Allison: "It's a marsupial."

AS IF its identity as a marsupial is enough to override its appearance. no thank you.

16 minutes is up but before i go, here's a blast from the past. with spanish subtitles. so, win-win.

(i don't know how to embed videos, but try it, you'll like it)


  1. So I was reading your blog, and the "It's a marsupial" comment literally made me laugh. Tell your friend Allison she wins in my book.

  2. how did i miss this entry! Yay for me being on spring break!

  3. haha ok now i watched the video. classic!
