Saturday, April 11, 2009

a brief history of time

goooooood morning! i just realized that i have been totally lax in updating. not that there aren't good things to write about, it's just that nothing in my day is begging to be blogged about.

so i came home a few days early for easter weekend for a little quality time with jeff and sue. however, they just got back from israel and are a little jet lagged, so they're both passed out on the couch by 8:40 pm. thus, i've mostly played free cell and watched trash tv. you know how it goes.

i bet you're all dying to hear the latest installment of "conversations with my brother." this was a pretty good one. ok, first of all, he and i are both known to our family and respective friends for never answering our phones. i feel like i have a good excuse--i usually have it on silent so it doesn't bug others. jeff never answers and then lets his inbox get full so even if one wanted to contact him, he/she wouldn't be able to leave a message. all part of the grand design, i suppose. ANYWAY, i finally did get ahold of him the other day. and the conversation went something like this. {background....jeff is dedicated to his workout routine, which consists of doing a flavor of the month workout video in his living room. in spandex...}

Lib: Hey bro, long time no talk. what do you have a phone for if you never answer it??

JT: Look who's talking.

Lib: so what's new?

JT: aaaah, not much. i'm still working out to P90X {editor's note: p90X is some workout system he ordered off an infomercial}

Lib: nice.

JT: yeah, i've been at it for about 4 weeks

Lib: congratulations. um, question....what exactly would one wear when doing p90X?

JT: i'll give you three guesses

Lib: I think i only need one. spandex pants?

JT. well yeah {as if this is simply a GIVEN} but which ones?

Lib: uh.... {furiously and actively blocking the mental images}

JT: under armor, or the ones that feel like a little girl's leotard?

....and that, my friends, was the last conversation i had with my one and only brother. rather sweet and tender, dont' you think?

in other news, i got a pedicure and i have the most hot pink toes i've ever seen. did not realize my toes would look like fluorescent dinosaur claws when i made that move.

speaking you remember neon colored crayons in elementary school? they saw their hayday in the early nineties? well, one year i refused to let my mom buy me any non-neon colored school supplies. so i went all of 4th grade with neon crayons and colored pencils. made for some interesting art projects. i distinctly remember coloring an octopus with hot pink and neon yellow. class act.

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