Thursday, April 2, 2009

alive and well

i know, you were wondering, right? i apologize for keeping you all on the edge of your seat, wondering--how is lib's week going? (not bad) has she seen any more strange things on wheels? (YES! the smart car.), did she FINALLY learn her neighbor's name? (Teresa) Is she just a little bit sad that ER is over as of tonight even though she hasn't watched it since her college days (absolutely she is) Did she see some lady at Target with springs built into the heels of her shoes (YES! wasn't that Ca-razy??) Did she skip out on running club just because of the rain (not proud of it, but yes)

And THAT about sums up my week. i am alive and doing well, but i've been terrible at updating this.

um, your thoughts on black nail polish? i am kind of a fan, i must admit.

.....the half marathon is exactly one month away. INTENSE. and i'm not talking about my camping trip
[ (c) JP. ]


  1. Ahhh!!! You're right. Thanks for the update.

  2. Hmmm ... black nail polish. White was quite popular out here last summer ... haven't really seen anyone wearing black nail polish (besides boys wearing girl jeans and I don't think that's the feedback you're looking for). Post a picture of it on your nails, then I'll let you know.

    By the way, I too was wondering what the deal with your blog has been lately.

  3. I own black nail polish and wear it from time to time. Thank goodness you are back!

  4. socal is the cutting edge, so maybe i should just skip the black and buy some white. such a trendsetter
