Thursday, June 25, 2009

fifty thousand screaming fans can't be wrong

there has been quite the outcry, i tell you. a deluge of rage. all 4 of you who read this are UP IN ARMS over lack of updates. which is in fact, a complete exaggeration. but i like a little drama every now and then. dramadramadrama.

where do i even begin, i ask? i will start with today and work backwards till that DARN carpal tunnel kicks in.
so today i went on a supersecret mission that i will not divulge on this free and open blogosphere in which we find ourselves. rather, i will tell you in person. if you ask politely and if you have clearance for news of this magnitude. but for now let's just say it involved an entire morning, lots of corn, and some unfriendly government workers. in somewhat-related news, i also got my indiana driver's license (after only missing 2 questions on the test. [sigh of relief, as the others in there did NOT far so well} it was actualyl kind of hard, especially where you had to say what a sign meant based on SHAPE ALONE. well, not i know that railroad crossing signs are round. had never noticed that, because i was paying attention to what the sign actually said. but i digress)

anyway, i also taught little levi a piano lesson, during which he tickled my arm and told me to hold on to the tickle so it will stay with me all night. so cute.

i have an 8-hour class on saturday, and my days have been spent reading and writing in preparation. finshed an 8=[age paper tonight, and i have another book to read and 8 more pages to write before saturday. what complicates that is the fact that i'm doing the indy NITE ride tomorrow night--a late night ride through downtown. yay.

i also spent a good part of an hour catching up with my wonderful friend jessica from fremont, ohio. we talk about once a year, but totally pick up where we left off. and where we left off is usually mocking our junior-high selves back when we lived next door to one another during the mid 90s. if you could see my 8th grade yearbook picture, you would see why this girl is a saint. she was my friend, despite my big bangs, highwaist tapered jeans and ginormous gap between my two buck teeth. a saint.

she and i took the infamous trip to l.a. in 2005, and if you've not heard my stories about said vacation, by all means, ask me next time. i tend to ramble when telling stories though, so here are the cue words o get me back to the important parts of the trip: psychic cat, "the annex," "will work for marijuana," and "pacific sands MOTEL."

[in related news, never stay in a "motel"-type establishment in santa monica. or you will be the only sober non-prostitute female. you and your old navy sundress and suitcase on wheels. you innocent ponytail and paperback novel will scream "wholesome midwesterner" and you will stick out like a sore thumb at the pacific sands motel. you do not belong.
another hint to get the heck out of there is when you are instructed to walk your suitcase on wheels down an ALLEY to get to your room. at that point you may want to cut your losses and run. past the condemned mcdonalds overrun with shopping carts full of CATS to the recently remodeled and impeccably clean holiday inn across the street. it's hit-or-miss in santa monica, i tell you what.]

anyway...i went to target, spent $49. shocking, i know. but this time, it was all things i NEEEDED. and that is the truth. and that is a shock. that store is all at once magical and deceitful. the items call me forth and beckon to be buyed. but today i said "no more." i have to save up for my fun summer plans that lie ahead. and by fun summer plans, of course i mean driving to ohio a couple times, michigan another couple times., and perhaps getting ice cream here in indy every now and then. but you know what, i'm looking forward to it. it's the little things.

so it's stinkin hot outside. i am very blessed though by a well-insulated apartment. it is comfortably cool and i haven't even needed to turn on the air. that is a huge huge deal, saving tons of money. i've worked out, done some school work, cleaned the kitchen and brushed my teeth. it's bedtime :)

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