Wednesday, November 4, 2009

monkeybread and only the happiest tradition since 2001

it seems like lots of people have favorite words. or, if you're my roommate formerly known as abby bandstra, least-favorite words. my favorite word used to be "bubble." and now it's "monkey." monkeymonkeymonkey. the word itself is as cute and playful as the real thing. and monkeybread is quite possibly the most wonderful culinary creation known to mankind. my roommate made it tonight, and i was the happy recipient of leftovers. so i'm sitting here, quite sad that it's all gone. i'm listening to my "melancholy" playlist for the occasion. it's THAT bad, guys.

i've had a kind of crazy fall so far. it's been hard, but good. more on that sometime later on. i'll share the highlights so far...

ccn09=success. (if you have managed to know me this long, and not know what ccn is, consider your wrist slapped and listen carefully and makr your 2010 calendar for 10/25... ccn is christmas craft night,and it has happened every october 25 since 2001 during my freshman year at calvin college, sing we all to thee.)
even though my calvin friends did not coordinate satellite christmas craft night events, the MAIN event was a fun filled apron-making extravaganza. my roommate's birthday HAPPENS to fall on october 25. now, you may ask, "how could she possibly be so lucky as to have been born exactly two months before christmas, and exactly 22 years before the inaugural ccn?" and to that i answer, "I know, right?!" she is one of the chosen few. and secondarily, you may ask, "and how in the world did this perfect roommate match of ccn-birthday-girl and ccn-co-founder ever come to be?" and to THAT i say, "i have no idea, but it was surely meant to be," kim happens to be pretty awesome in other areas of her life as well, if you can believe that.

my new niece or nephew will be born in a matter of weeks. so that's kind of a big deal. jeff templeton, weird al fan club president hopeful, and writer of such hits as " don't let me drown," "briefs or boxas," and "yo, get on the dancefloor," is about to embark on the journey of fatherhood. and if you don't know this already, he's going to be PRETTY awesome at it.
you know, family has always been important to my brother.
exhibit A: "rusty," "flipper," and "flipper junior."

i have had a great time with friends, old and new over the past month: marathon, swing dancing, pumpkin carving, indianapolis art museum, running along the canal, day of healing conference (huge day of personal growth), walking along the canal, shopping, and tomorrow night, i'm going to the david crowder band concert here in indy.

life is good my friends, life is good. but now i must do laundry and work on a project for work. wahoo!


  1. I heart Libby. Alot.
    Thanks for the update. I can't wait for the day when Jeff is composing songs with his little guy or girl.

  2. This grinch not only ignored CCN, but I also watched Mythbusters freeze a christmas tree with liquid nitrogen, then attempt to make it "explode" by shooting it with a shot gun. And you know what I did? I laughed! I think I was meant to be a grinch ...
