Monday, March 23, 2009

strange things seen on wheels

you may remember that i have a crazy-cat-lady type neighbor. (you may also remember that my biggest fear--and i mean, my BIGGEST fear in life is to end up living in a an old farmhouse with 17 cats. alone) anyway, this neighbor embodies all that i hope NEVER to be. i mean she's really nice, but she's got some issues. one of them being she thinks that i'm 2 people (she has asked me twice about why my "roommate" wears shorts in the windter. and then i explain that she's actually referring to me, and i wear shorts i the winter because i run on the treadmill down the street.) and she's crazy-cat-ladyesque. only she has a dog rather than a cat. and she named the dog mandy rose. mandy rose is old and can barely make it down the hallway to go outside. well, i was driving down my road yesterday, and saw my neighbor (i still don't know her name) pushing a stroller...containing mandy rose. wow.

and THEN i went for a bike ride and there was definitely a man in a power wheelchair riding down college avenue...right in the middle of the lane. and college ave is a relatively well-traveled thoroughfare. he was going all of 5 miles per hour, and the funny thing was that cars weren't even passing him. it was like they were playing follow the leader.

my brother thinks that indianapolis is full of nerds and others who are socially-inept or awkward. and this is probably furthering his stereotype. thats the risk i take in reporting kaditlolii ("a day in the life of libby in indy"...the k is silent)

and last, speaking of wheels, and for your monday morning pleasure, here's a joke for you...

what's green and has wheels?

GRASS (ok, so i lied about the wheels)

ps, cedric's birthday is april 6...or so becca tells me. more on THAT in a few weeks. i CAN'T WAIT!!!


  1. how does becca remember things like that?? and she claims she was never a friend of him!!

  2. 1. the k is silent, haaa, love it.
    2. dog in a stroller, wow. that reminds me of your story of the dog that had a wheelchair.
    3. and i agree with kristin, seriously, maybe we should make a physical representation of kksecdrik pinata again and send it to becca because we all know she loves him so much.

  3. Hahaha! I remember his birthday because I made it up several years ago and wrote it on a calendar so that I could make fun of you 3! Since that time I continue to transfer it from calendar to calendar each year because it reminds me of you dear girls! (awww)

  4. i love how sceedrick always reignites dialogue.
    and becca, that's the sweetest thing i've heard all day!!!!
    love you all!!!!

  5. approximately 1.5 hours ago i saw an elderly gentleman (dressed as a cowboy) ride his motorized wheelchair through the cvs parking lot. not from a parked vehicle into the building, but rather from the store's driveway into the building.
