Saturday, February 28, 2009

it's not everyday...

...that you join the ranks of tina fey. so maaayabe that's stretching it. but my friend becca just wrote on her blog that there are two women who always make her laugh-- tina fey and me. um i don't want to brag, but i'm kiiind of a big deal. tk ("totally kidding").

while we're talking about becca here, let me tell you about her and how cool she is. honestly, i could write all night about this, but i need to tell you about my roadtrip. but first, can i just list some of the reasons i think becca is awesome?

a. three words: perfect brewing temperature.
b. peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat
c. she named her firstborn child jonas (this kid will always quote weezer when introducing himself. only buddy holly and sweaters can say the same. ha. ha.)
d. she is a wonderful friend--one of the most compassionate people i've met.
e. she had a cat that used the toilet. actually, that's disgusting, so this should not be on this list. but it's true. and, i'm a truthteller.
f. if i could model my day to day approach to life after anyone, it would probably be her. she's uber responsible, organized, and puts important things first. i admire her and respect her immensely.
g. she's a great hostess, and trotted me all over socal-when i visited last spring. AND we identified wildflowers together at Joshua tree.
h. i actually didn't like her the first week or so i knew her. but then i realized the error of my ways, and she welcomed me into friendshiphood with open arms.
i. she bought a kids basketball hoop in college and put it in her dorm room
j. i used to walk into our apartment, and she'd be typing up a storm, and she could greet me without missing a beat.
k. she is genuine and honest.
l. she put up with 2 years of my singing in the shower and sckedric
m. she taught me the fake benchpress
n. she bought a welcome mat for our apartment that said "Go Away." that CRACKS me up to this day.

i could go on and on and on. so, if you learned one thing today, i hope it's that i am one lucky girl.

and btw, my roadtrip was rather uneventful. it is one long flat haul across indiana ("crossroads of america") and ohio ("the heart of it all"). my mom and i went shopping tonight though, and she bought me a pair of crocs. the cute and streamlined ones. black. with a strap. i am wearing them right now in fact. anyhow, here are the highlights of the trip:
*belting out my desire as a "girl" to "have fun" ( yay cindy lauper). windows down. wave to the truckers.

*answering the tim horton's worker politely with a smile, even after he asked me for the fourth time if i needed cream and sugar in my coffee.
("no thanks, i'll take it black"......."no thank you, black's fine"...... "nope, i'll just have it black, thanks so much." ..... "thanks for asking, i'd like it black, please"). an excercise in patience.

*filling up my gas tank for $21. what a steal

*filling up myself on candy at my grandma's. she has exactly six places in her kitchen alone (we're talking entire drawers here) she keeps stocked with candy. and she's all of a size 2, but that's becuase of the immense amount of nervous energy it takes to just BE her. so you win some, you lose some.

also, and let me warn you i'm changing the subject is it that THREE states claim babe-raham lincoln as their own? IL, KY, and IN all lay claim to our 16th president (and i believe they all have special edition license plates available for purchase that attest to the same). i can't wait till i'm famous, and ohio, indiana, and michigan all have to fight over me. that's when i'll know i've "arrived." when my face graces the backside of every automobile in the midwest.

1 comment:

  1. I've known Becca for almost my entire life and I have to agree with you on the awesomeness that is Becca. :) And by the way, you do have a very funny blog. She's right for putting you in the ranks of Tina Fey.
