Sunday, February 22, 2009

gem of a christmas present

soooo i settled in for a long afternoon of studying and working on a rather daunting midterm exam. I wanted to watch a movie--something entertaining but light enough that I would be able to work on my homework. I was going to go to the library, but instead I remembered one of my Christmas presents from my, Ernest goes to Jail. That's right. If you haven't watched it, here's a synopsis.

"I am Ernest P Worrel and I know that if i pay my taxes, bathe, and floss regularly, I can climb the ladder of success hand over foot."

This gem of a film tells the story of aspiring bank teller and nighttime janitor Ernest P. Worrel . Following an all-too believable mishap one night, Ernest finds himself permanently electromagnetized. A few days later, he is elated to learn that he is chosen for jury duty. ("I'm the luckiest guy in the whole world...they chose me for United States jury duty.") And it's during the courtroom scene that the one redeeming quality of the movie presents itself....when Ernest, while chewing on a pen, gets ink all over his face. (correct, that's the funniest part of the whole thing) The defense in the court case moves for a change of venue--to the county jail. While there, the defendant arranges for Ernest ot take the place of the most notorious criminal in the jail...Ernest gets locked up, the bad guy goes free, and the plot thickens.

Ok, not going to lie, I didn't finish the movie. THAT was 27 minutes of my life that i will never ever get back...Mostly because it just is not as funny as it was when I was 7 1/2. I'm pretty sure we can rest assured that in the end, Ernest will go free and justice will be served to the real criminal. This was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid. And I'd forgotten that it was the inspiration behind Jeff's common phrase in jr high, "you dirty rat."

It's kind of like watching Full House now...not nearly as funny as it was in 1992.

So there's that. Honestly I have lots to do today, so this is all. I've taken a little flack for not updating this page much this week. Here's the deal--I don't have internet at home, and because I have access to it so many other places, I don't think it' a good use of money. Darn recession. and grad school. The moral of the story is that I dont' have lots of "down time" online. But I will try to do better.

In other news, I went to He's Just Not that Into You with Kathy last night We had quite the experience with some inappropriate comments from the elderly gentleman sitting next to her. I'll let her update her page and you can read it there.... I haven't laughed that hard in at least a week. totally. not. ok. kath, please fill us all in.

anyway, it's off to the gym i go before beginning the thorn in my side that is the multicultural counseling midterm. awesome.

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