Monday, March 2, 2009


i actually drove the 0.2 miles to the workout room-slash-free internetroom today. no big deal, you say? ok. well.  imagine you're at point A, looking across a parking lot, albeit a rather long one, to point B. you want to get to point B without putting sweatpants on over your running shorts. you also need to get not only yourself from point A to point B, but also your computer, ipod, and water bottle. so you drive. to a building you can see from your window. that my friends, describes the past 2 minutes of my life. i was overwhelmed by guilt at having burned some percentage of a tank of fossil fuels, so i thought i'd blog my confession, so that it will not happen again. next time i will walk. hold me accountable.

(as someone born with little to none self control, i rely heavily on accountability partners--for everything from not eating too much candy to wearing my retainers at night. i must say that while i love my multitude of accountability partners all dearly, they've DROPPED THE BALL. i eat candy like it's my job and haven't worn my retainer since last year. in fact, one of them, linda, knows about my candy weakness, and brings it to work for me. sabotage. 

in other news--you're talking to indianapolis' newest and finest substitute teachers. i had an orientation today, and already have two days this week (spring break) lined up. heck yes. i observed in one class as part of the orientation (which is cool, even though i've spent 3 years in a classroom, but whatever)...and the biggest issue i forsee is having to deal with kids saying things like "holy crap" (it's a christian school). but with teaching, you never my three years' stint at gcs, i had a girl light her hair on fire, another kid slice his finger open, and multitudes of inappropriate comments that, looking back, probably deserved more than the benign reprimand that they actually got. but i miss teaching so much, and i'll deal with whatever comes my way. they know i'm a science teacher, so i'll be mostly subbing in science classes, and they expect me to actually teach. yay! 

i know you're on your edge of your seat: what's the latest song with which i am obsessed this week (note the correct, though cumbersome use of a preposition)....well, wait no longer. it is "down the road," by kenny chesney. confession part deux---i heard it on my way to my grandma's and was surprised at myself when i started to cry :( . i get weepy and sentimental often when i'm there. being in the town my mom grew up in makes me kind of sad. there are lots of reasons for this that i'm not going to go into on such an open and impersonal forum. but it happens. hence the tears. 

awww, an old lady just came in and got on the treadmill. old people working out are kind of cute. you know what's not quite as cute? my father, doing yoga.

 (dad, if you're reading your hair looks nice).


  1. I'm not sure if you remember where Brad Berndt lived in relation to me in the Ville. However, it was .0625 miles (yes, 1/4 of 1/4 of a mile) down the road. I never ever ever walked to his house in my entire life when Brad lived there. So you're not alone!

  2. Libby, first of all you are hilarious. Secondly the font is too small. third, i'd probably have driven too, but maybe try to coast part of the way ;-). fourth i'm checking out that song
