Tuesday, February 17, 2009

slow news day


what a day. a good day. a long day.

i had an interview with a principal at a local middle school to sub at the school this semester. it went really well, and he even hinted at the possibility of interning there next year. THAT would be fabulous, since i think i already have one of my two internships arranged for next year. so THIS is what it feels like to be on top of my A-game. anyway, i'm hoping i'll get my proverbial foot in the door and can begin working quickly. not so much for the money, as it doesn't pay all that well. more to be back in the school / teacher mode. i don't consciously think of how much i miss the school atmosphere---until i walk into a school and feel right at home. i know that sounds cliche, but it is what it is.

spent a couple hours with my grandma today, mostly dusting her tchotchkes (i know i butchered the spelling, but it's a new favorite word). my christmas gift to her this year was to come over a few times and help her out around the house. i've done lots of dusting!

in other news, allison rocked my socks off tonight at our running club. she makes me practically sprint the last mile. some guy in our group had an orange string hanging off his jacket, and she pointed to it and whispered, "he has a tail." now that i write that, i realize that it's really not as funny as it was 4 hours ago. kind of like the calculator dance and frank the wonder shark. (that's for you, euchre buddies)

speaking of frank....beth and i used to play this game called "what are you thinking." basically you have to guess what the other person is thinking. it works really well if the other person is thinking of something really funny. i know it sounds ridiculous, but try it sometime with your bff. i will literally pay you money if you don't have a good time.

um, is anyone else addicted to michael buble's song "home." ?? if not, you probably should be.

and finally tonight...my gas bill was $91.00 (this was WITH turning the furnace totally off at night, and setting it to practically 61 while I'm home.) so i've decided that i'm going to call my stint in indy a short-term mission trip and write letters to basically everyone i know (and those my parents know) and ask them to support me.
OR i could take my brother's advice and "flip furniture." that's exactly like flipping houses, only using chairs (via antique stores and ebay) instead. i love that kid.