Tuesday, February 24, 2009

plan B, my dream, and a new favorite song

Good morning! Oh my goodness, I woke up today, only to find NO ENGLISH MUFFINS!! how did I run out of this breakfast staple? I was FORCED to go out for coffee and a scone today. It's a rough life, guys. 

Got to Panera, only to find a shady internet connection at best. Can't get access to my mail account. So I'm considering starting up my midterm again and trying to finish it before work this afternoon. Meanwhile, I'm very distracted by the rather sweet older couple sitting kind of near me--he brought his own newspaper, she brought her own orange. HA--that's my goal. In 50 years I want to be bringing my own fruit to a restaurant, while my husband reads the headlines to me. I hope he wears sweater vests. 

Hey, you gotta know what you want in life. 

Speaking of older people, there's a lady across the hall from me who, though very nice, is way more interested in her dog "Mandy Rose" than she is in actual people. I have a reputation for walking down to the workout room in shorts in subzero temperatures. Well, this neighbor woman always comments that whenever she sees me, I'm wearing shorts. Haha, funny and neighborly right? wrong. She's never actually addressed me--her comments are directed toward Mandy Rose, the dog.  It's awkward--do I respond event though she's clearly not talking to me (I do), or do I ignore it because clearly, I'm not part of of the conversation? Moral dilemma. 

My brother is going to kill me for saying this, but, raise your hand if you like Jason Mraz's song I'm Yours? I think I could listen to it all morning. And in fact, I will :)

oooooh, i just realized that it's tuesday, my favoriteday!! running club at 6, yay! 6 miles tonight means i get nearly one hour of the allison and the rest of the mighty tens. you do the math: 6 miles at 10 min/mi =60 minutes. BUT as stated early, we will not be harnessed by pace times. absolutely not. we'll nearly kill ourselves only to finish 1.2 minutes ahead of the pack, and then somehow find ourselves BEHIND gary and jay in the candy and banana line. seriously, how does that happen?

(reminder: gary and jay are our pace leaders who look a little like the mice in cinderella. we finish before them every week, but they always end up getting their refreshments before us. 

paradox. but i guess it makes sense--those mice in cinderella sure accomplished a lot in one day...making a dress out of scraps and all...)

my time here is up. i told myself i'd get to work at 9am sharp. 

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