Monday, February 16, 2009

you're so vain

you prob'ly think this blog is about you.

ha, jk.
actually, I'M so vain. went to the apple store to pick up my new and improved computer. "data transfer unsuccessful," they tell me. which is a huge bummer, as i've explained, and as i'm sure you can imagine. i'm in denial about how much work it's going to take to get up and running again--re-doing class work, etc. NOT THINKING ABOuT IT.
however, i got home, opened up my macbook, and --ta da--they replaced the top case (it was a known problem and covered under a recall) so all my keys are white and new. this totally made my day...even though i lost the important stuff, the machine looks brand new. it's like raaaaaain on your wedding day, a free ride when you already paid....(name that song)

i had a great weekend. it was refreshing and therapeutic to see old friends, sleep in my old bedroom, hang out my parents, and see my brother and sister-in-law. and now that i'm back home, i am thinking about the big week ahead. not that there's anything especially exciting going on...just lots to do. i could spell out my to-do list, but i don't want to brag about how so incredibly busy i am.

i'm pretty excited that the book i reserved at the library is in. it's called infidel, about a woman who left islam. yeah, that does sound interesting, doesn't it? i will let you know how it goes. i'm also finishing up "the drunkard's walk," which is interesting though at times a little over my head--especially when i'm reading right before bed.

the mighty tens and the rest of the mini marathon training group is running five miles tomorrow along the canal....allison and i totally left them in the dust last week. the mighty tens can't hold back the fire in us. so i hope our new friends are not too intimidated by our formidable running technique...or toned physique. or our pure unadulturated speed.

on the job front, i have another piano student. and an interview for a subbing job tomorrow--so cross your fingies and say your prayers :)

1 comment:

  1. "Isn't It Ironic" by Alanis Morrissette (I have no idea how to spell that last name)
