Saturday, November 6, 2010

mmmmmm coffee shops on brisk fall saturday mornings. can life get more divine? i think not.

i completely forgot to record a conversation i had with my bro JT last weekend. we were doing a puzzle (puzzle-doing brings out the deep things in our hearts) at my parents' house and jeff was like, "lib, i think i want to [wait for know this is going to be good...].....make a quilt."

and i of course immediately responded, "you know i'm going to put this on the blog, right?"

he smiled kind of sheepishly and said, "seriously! i have a design in mind."

i laughed a little at that, but then it got better because apparently this has been on his heart and mind for some time now, and he admitted to staying up late into the night to design this quilt.

so naturally, i had to remind him of the time in the late 90s that he made his own bellbottoms out of some tapered khaki pants he had on hand, some plaid scraps of fabric from the basement, and embroidery floss.
"embroidery floss?" you ask? well, of course.
what else would he use to stitch into the newly created flared ankled region, but his own rendition of pink floyd's iconic cover of the dark side of the moon LP? i can't believe you even had to ask.

see, this is why i love the internets and computers. i now have an evolving, and permanent, collection of jeffthoughts and jeffmemories. and you do to!! merry christmas.

i was supposed to go to a conference up in wabash for the day, but my friend who was to meet me there had to back out, i didn't want to go alone, and so i now find myself with a whole, free, saturday in front of me. and i can hardly stand how great it feels. however, because i thought i would be going to the conference, i didn't sign up for the indy monumental 1/2 marathon, and as i passed the runners on meridian, i must admit a tinge of jealousy. part of what i love about running is the "i've just conquered the world" feeling after a long race. and of course the "and i shall thus conquer this german pancake." proclamation at the post-race trip to the pancake house. mmmm pancakes.
reminds me of this...

1 comment:

  1. I could go for the German pancake right now sans running.
