Monday, February 1, 2010

February: Bring.It.On!

Historically my least favorite month, this February, I'm going to try something drastic. I am going to choose to make February 2010 the best 28 days of 2010. Sounds like fun, right? All you other February-dreaders out there, why don't you join me? If I've learned nothing else in the past year, it is that joy is a choice. Like a menu item. Like this:

"Ooooh, I'll have the joy please."...

"Would you like a drink with that?"

**(jeff, that was for you. ah, inside jokes from childhood)**

Now, lest you begin to wonder how in the world I'm going to pull this joyous February off, unaided, I remind you that I have fabulous friends, a wonderful family, and one great God. And, the Winter Olympics will begin in less than 2 weeks. (I ask you, How can you NOT be happy while watching figure skating and downhill skiing? impossible!) I also welcome you to make monetary contributions. jkjk

In other news, I took a quick trip home this weekend to surprise my parents and see little Mia. (Best baby ever. Most adorable too. Her future siblings don't know what kind of precedent has been set, poor things). A great weekend overall, and I even had all of Sunday in Indy to be at church, enjoy a brisk run outside, and do a roommate craft night. We made headbands, and I must tell you, they are very cute. Be jealous. Be very jealous.

I'm off to work in a coupla minutes. I see one of my clients who's making absolutely no progress, so I get to put my bring-it-on-february attitude and my joy-choosing demeanor to work right away. should be good.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love your attitude ... made me smile and make some resolutions of my own :)

    Keep blogging :)
