Tuesday, February 9, 2010

blueberry almond pancakes

make them, try them, eat them, you will like them.

so, i have a SNOW DAY today!
do you know what this MEANS? (other than my 5:30 am reveille was in vain...or so it would seem)
i can create a budget (been putting this off for months now!), go to spin class, and get ahead on a bunch of homework. does this not sound like THE MOST FUN?

ah budgeting...something i've heard so much about but have never really tried for myself. this should be interesting...


  1. update: this budget thing? NOT going well :(

  2. Spin class? You sound like a soccer mom.

  3. ha. it's quite the thing for the young and hip crowd in indy, bec. you should move here and see for yourself :)...or wait til jonas is in soccer. your choice.

  4. Do they have baby bike seats for stationary bikes?
