Wednesday, January 21, 2009

they were right. this was easy.

hello, ones i love. 
and welcome. 

most of you know that i have a thing about lists and new years resolutions. i love them. can't help it. it's who i am. i actually make lists of things that i've already done, just so i can turn around and cross them off. it's totally frivolous, rather proud, and utterly fulfilling. and a little- bit ocd. 

so i made a list of new years resolutions. i've always wanted to keep some sort of journal, but in the past, i've given up on it by about january 3rd. so this year i am re-attempting. this time online. check. 

(i might be the only person who ever reads this, which is totally fine. but seriously this was so easy to start. i didn't even have to go to target to get a cute leather-bound book of blank pages. and this was free. you do the math. win-win-win.)

anyway, this is like a whole new world for me. welcome to the 21st century, libby. and in all seriousness, i've been learning lots about myself over the last few months, and i'm excited to kind of process it in your presence. i've also committed to reading more books this year so hopefully i'll have something intelligent to write about. and if not, i'll just regurgitate what i've learned on my daily installment of jeopardy! (uzbekistan is the "stan" that touches the most other "stans.")

speaking of game shows, next time i'm in new york city i'm going to try out for who wants to be a millionaire. and i'm taking applications for phone a friends. i'm looking for a team player with a diverse knowledge base, excellent typing skills, and a reliable internet connection. i'm willing to give you a cut of my earnings. the percentage is negotiable, but only valid if i win more than 25,000. gotta pay for the trip there, people. 

make an offer. 

1 comment:

  1. Libby, you're kidding right? You'd *actually* consider someone else?

