Monday, January 26, 2009

on being a good friend and neighbor

my parents like to refer to my "record" /slash/ "run-ins" with the law. before i go any further, i should qualify this. most of said run-ins were just minor traffic violations. i've been pulled over several times (three times in the same quarter-mile stretch of demorrow road)--but i've never been ticketed; merely warned and cited for not carrying a certificate of insurance. (THAT's another story) i have a tried-and-true system for dodging tickets--another day, another time--which is no longer being put to use. i am a reformed speeder. 
ANYWAY, i did get the police called on me once in high school--for loitering in cognito outside a liquor store. i was wearing an egyptian wig. i also once topped off an evening (of dancing to baby got back in the high school parking lot) with driving on the sidewalk behind the stadium. 

i was, in a word, a rebel. (kathy, please confirm)

back to my point--the other night i had to call the police on my upstairs neighbors. there is constant yelling, and recently thumping sounds that last for 15 or 20 minutes at a time. slamming doors, stomping down the hall, etc. anyway, the two people that i've seen coming and going both look pretty able to fend for themselves, so my call to the police was motivated just as much by my own desire to live in peace as it was to protect anyone from any bodily harm or abuse. i don't know what happened as a result of the call, but i was very impressed with the police dept--they took me seriously and transferred me to 911. the dispatcher was really nice, too. i think we could be friends. 

speaking of friends, i think it's rude when people defriend you on facebook. 
there. i said it.


  1. definitely a rebel. was I present for the driving on the sidewalk, I only sorta remember that and it could have been because i heard the story. But it does seem like something i would encourage.

  2. Someone defriended you on facebook? Weird.
