Saturday, January 24, 2009

first off, i'd like to thank

Wow, what a warm reception this little project has gotten. I'd like to thank the 2 or 3 of you that have bookmarked this page. It's an honor and a privilege. my dad told me he's copyrighted his own image so i either need to take that picture below off this site, or i'm going to be hearing from his lawyer(s). what i love about my dad is that he didn't let us win monopoly when we were kids. so this is no threat. the man means what he says.

i've emerged relatively unscathed from another saturday class. to be honest, they're not that bad. it's from 9-3, and sure by 2pm we're all ready to go. but the first 4 and a half or 5 hours aren't that bad. and after today's class i'm thinking of changing directions entirely and looking into working in career development at a college or university. all along i'd considered working in a college counseling center, but i'm wondering if i'm more cut out for career counseling or undergrad career development. those in my class today may call me crazy, but it is what it is. i think i identify with the whole concept because the issues i'd address as a career counselor are the very issues i wrestle with --daily--in my own mind. who i am, what i'm doing, and how i'm making a difference in my (tiny) sphere of influence are constantly on my mind. some people go into counseling to help others who were addicts, who have survived abuse, who have lost loved ones. i've never experienced these things, so i wonder how effective i'd be in "wading in the river" with those who have. BUT i have struggled with my own identity and choices pertaining to my future. in fact, i'm still living right there. The thought of helping others see who they are --figuring out what they value, who they they are or want to be, and how they can live consistent to those things excites me. the thought of sitting alone in a room with someone who needs to work through abuse issues terrifies me.

anyway, stay tuned on THAT. college counseling has always been plan B... that may change.

i went running --in shorts--yesterday. therefore, it's almost spring. and that's good news.

on a final note, my mom told me a really cute story the other day. there's a little boy at her school who's having a hard time learning to count. he's in kindergarten, and, even up until christmas break, they couldn't get him to count. anyway, he came back from christmas, and his teacher asked him to count to 5. and he did! so, she asked him to count to 10. and he did! so she encouraged him and asked him "what comes after ten?" his response?...."ready or not, here i come"

how precious is that?

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